
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 23:57, 10 July 2012 by Nad (talk | contribs) (See also: A New Foundation for Physics, by Quantum Aether Dynamics Institute)

Space and time are intimately linked by the fact that all communication of information from one position in space to another takes time, in fact time is the preferred dimension in which to talk about distance! This is true in every day life too; when we're talking about travelling from A to B, it's how long it will take that we're really concerned with, not how far.

In both real life and in the network, the time-oriented distance between points is determined not only by the actual distance, but also by the transport methods, schedules and traffic conditions amongst other things. In the network, the actual physical distance between nodes is not very relevant at all and propagation time is the fundamental distance measurement.

Remember that one idea of an object in OOP (or node in the network) is that it should be responsible for the organisation and execution of the methods that act on it's content. So it makes sense that all propagation of information in the network be handled as methods of the space-time itself.

As mentioned above, the node that handles this fundamental level of space-time organisation is called Moment. Almost every concept in the network requires this organisational ability for use with its own functionality, so it makes sense for every concept occupying the space-time to actually be a derived-class of Moment.

See also