Difference between revisions of "Extension talk:CurrentUsers"

From Organic Design wiki
m ([[Talk:Extension:CurrentUsers.php]] moved to Foo talk:CurrentUsers.php)
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If this extension version 1.0.3 does not work in prior versions of mediawiki (<=1.11.2), we may need to add a conditional to the end of the wfCurrentUsersMagic function;
<source lang="php">
if($wgVersion === "1.12.0") {
return $parser->preprocess($users,$wgTitle,$parser->mOptions);
} else {
  return $users;
--[[User:Sven|Sven]] 12:11, 27 March 2008 (NZST)

Latest revision as of 18:11, 22 May 2015

Info.svg This talk page pertains specifically to the development of this extension. For more general discussion about bugs and usage etc, please refer to the mediawiki.org talk page at MW:Extension talk:CurrentUsers

If this extension version 1.0.3 does not work in prior versions of mediawiki (<=1.11.2), we may need to add a conditional to the end of the wfCurrentUsersMagic function;

if($wgVersion === "1.12.0") {
 return $parser->preprocess($users,$wgTitle,$parser->mOptions);
} else {
  return $users;

--Sven 12:11, 27 March 2008 (NZST)