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# SWF Compiler for XmlWiki Environment
# SWF Compiler for XmlWiki Environment
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Revision as of 06:27, 8 July 2008

Legacy.svg Legacy: This article describes a concept that has been superseded in the course of ongoing development on the Organic Design wiki. Please do not develop this any further or base work on this concept, this is only useful for a historic record of work done. You may find a link to the currently used concept or function in this article, if not you can contact the author to find out what has taken the place of this legacy item.


  1. SWF Compiler for XmlWiki Environment

$server = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $htdocs = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; if ( !ereg( "\\/$", $htdocs ) ) $htdocs .= '/';

xwSetProperty( $properties, 'language', 'raw' );

  1. Read in relevent properties
  2. - also supplies defaults
  3. - and constructs link which requests the raw compiled SWF
  4. - also adds each property as a constant to the script

$t = ereg_replace( '\\.as$', '.swf', $title ); $tag = ereg( '(\\w+)$', $path, $m ) ? $m[1] : 'swf'; $src = "$script?title=$title&xpath:/properties:language=raw&xpath:/properties:data=$tTitle&xpath:/properties:$tag"; foreach ( array(

'width' => 550, 'height' => 400, 'fps' => 12, 'background' => 'ffffff', 'quality' => 'medium', 'flashvars' => , 'format' => 'embed', 'version' => 6, 'url' => "www/$t"

) as $key => $value ) { if ( !xwGetProperty( $properties, "xpath:$path/$key", $$key ) ) $$key = $value; $value = $$key; $src .= "&xpath:$path:$key=".( ( $key == 'format' ) ? 'raw' : $value ); $article = "$key='$value';\n$article"; }

  1. Have to add imports to src url

foreach ( xwGetListByTagname( $properties, 'import', $import ) as $image ) $src .= "&xpath:$path:import=$image";

  1. if format is embed, just convert the content to an object-tag referring to raw-compiled-swf

if ( $format == 'embed' ) { $article = "<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" codebase=\"http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=$version,0,0,0\" width=$width height=$height id=\"$src\" align=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" data=\"$src\"> <param name=flashvars value=\"$flashvars\"> <param name=movie value=\"$src\"> <param name=quality value=\"$quality\"> <param name=bgcolor value=\"$background\"> <embed src=\"$src\" quality=\"$quality\" bgcolor=\"$background\" width=$width height=$height align=\"\" flashvars=\"$flashvars\" name=\"$src\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" /> </object>"; }

else {

  1. Compile the script into a binary SWF
  2. - also builds hard wired common vector shapes (later converted to Ming from SVG)
  1. Check weather required extentions are available (GD2 and Ming)

$ext = get_loaded_extensions(); if ( !in_array( 'ming', $ext ) ) xwMessage( 'Ming extention not loaded! (at least version 0.3 required)', 'red' );

ming_useswfversion( $version ); global $lib, $swf; $lib = array(); $swf = new SWFMovie(); $swf->setDimension( $width, $height ); eregi( '^#?([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])$' , $background, $m ); list(,$r,$g,$b) = $m; $swf->setBackground( hexdec($r), hexdec($g), hexdec($b) ); $swf->setRate( $fps ); xwMessage( "SWF movie created from \"$title\": $width"." x $height @ $fps".'fps' );

  1. Don't redeclare (happens if more than one compile on same page)

if ( !isset( $GLOBALS[$tTitle] ) ) {

$GLOBALS[$tTitle] = true;

# Make symbol library available at runtime in library array function libAdd( $item, $name ) { global $lib, $swf; $sym = new SWFSprite(); $sym->add( $item ); $sym->nextFrame(); $swf->addExport( $sym, $lib[] = $name ); }


  1. Import images

foreach ( xwGetListByTagname( $properties, 'import', $import ) as $image ) { $ref = strtolower( trim( ereg_replace( '^.*/', , $image ) ) ); $ref = ereg_replace( '\\..+$', , $ref ); $w = $htdocs.'wiki'; shell_exec( "$w/png2dbl $htdocs$image $w/$ref.dbl" ); # investigate creating a unix level pipe and reading a la /dev #$img = new SWFBitmap( popen( "$w/png2dbl $w$image $w/stream.dbl", 'rb' ) ); $img = new SWFBitmap( fopen( "$w/$ref.dbl", 'rb' ) ); libAdd( $img, $ref ); }

$grad = new SWFGradient(); for ( $n = 0; $n <= 10; $n++ ) { $i = ( 2 - log( $n + 1 ) * 0.95 ) * 125; if ( $i > 255 ) $i = 255; else if ( $i < 0 ) $i = 0; $grad->addEntry( $n / 10, 255, 255, 255, $i ); } $shape = new SWFShape(); $fill = $shape->addFill( $grad, SWFFILL_RADIAL_GRADIENT ); $fill->scaleTo( 0.17 ); $shape->setRightFill( $fill ); $shape->drawCircle( 100 ); libAdd( $shape, 'star' );

  1. Add compile.as common code

$article = xwArticleContent( 'compile.as' ).$article;

  1. Write exports and make all available at runtime in library array

$swf->writeExports(); $article = 'library=array("'.join( '","', $lib )."\");\n$article"; if ( count( $lib ) ) xwMessage( 'Pre-compiled symbols: "'.join( '", "', $lib ).'"' );

  1. Flashvars aren't working just compile assignments into script for now

foreach( split( '&', $flashvars ) as $var ) if ( ereg( '^(.+)=(.+)$', $var, $m ) ) $article = "$m[1]='$m[2]';\n$article";

  1. Replace #Include statements with content

$includes = array(); $more = true; while ( $more ) { $more = count( $includes ); $article = preg_replace( '/^\\s*#include\\s+[\'"](.+?)[\'"].*?$/emi', 'xwArticleContent($includes["$1"]="$1",true);', $article ); $more = count( $includes ) > $more; } if ( count( $includes ) ) xwMessage( 'Included articles: "'.join( '", "', array_keys( $includes ) ).'"' );

  1. Fix the ^= operator which doesn't work in Ming but does in Flash

$article = preg_replace( '/([a-z_]+[a-z_0-9.]+)\\s*\\^=/i', '$1=$1^', $article );

  1. Add actionscript in frames 1-3

$swf->add( new SWFAction( $article ) ); $swf->nextFrame(); $swf->add( new SWFAction( 'internal_reduce();' ) ); $swf->nextFrame(); $swf->add( new SWFAction( 'gotoAndPlay(2);' ) ); $swf->nextFrame();

if ( $format == 'raw' ) { # Send the raw SWF back to the client and die ob_end_clean(); header( 'Content-Type: application/x-shockwave-flash' ); $swf->output(9); die(); } else { # Write the SWF to $url and render a link to it

$swf->save( "$htdocs$url" ,9 ); $article = "\n$title successfully compiled to $server/$url\n"; }

} ?></php>