Difference between revisions of "Extension:Treeview5.php"

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m ({{voodoo}})
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# Reformat tree rows for matching in ParserAfterStrip
# Reformat tree rows for matching in ParserAfterStrip
$text = preg_replace('/(?<=\\*)\\s*\\[\\[Image:(.+?)\\]\\]/',"{$this->uniq}3$1{$this->uniq}4",$text);
$text = preg_replace('/(?<=\\*)\\s*\\[\\[Image:(.+?)\\]\\]/',"{$this->uniq}3$1{$this->uniq}4",$text);
$text = preg_replace_callback('/^(\\*+)(.*?)$/m',array($this,'formatRow'),$text);
* Reformat tree bullet structure recording row, depth and id in a format which is not altered by wiki-parsing
* - format is: 1{uniq}-{id}-{depth}-{item}-2{uniq}
* - sequences of this format will be matched in ParserAfterTidy and converted into dTree JavaScript
* - NOTE: we can't encode a unique row-id because if the same tree instranscluded twice a cached version
*        may be used (even if parser-cache disabled) this also means that tree id's may be repeated
$text = preg_replace('/^(\\*+)(.*?)$/me','"\x7f1{'.$this->uniq.'}\x7f{'.$this->id.'}\x7f".(strlen($1)-1)."\x7f$2\x7f2{'.$this->uniq.'}"',$text);
return $text;
return $text;
* Reformat tree bullet structure recording row, depth and id in a format which is not altered by wiki-parsing
* - format is: 1{uniq}-{id}-{depth}-{item}-2{uniq}
* - sequences of this format will be matched in ParserAfterTidy and converted into dTree JavaScript
* - NOTE: we can't encode a unique row-id because if the same tree instranscluded twice a cached version
*        may be used (even if parser-cache disabled) this also means that tree id's may be repeated
private function formatRow($m) {
return "\x7f1{$this->uniq}\x7f{$this->id}\x7f".(strlen($m[1])-1)."\x7f$m[2]\x7f2{$this->uniq}";

Revision as of 01:09, 10 February 2010

Legacy.svg Legacy: This article describes a concept that has been superseded in the course of ongoing development on the Organic Design wiki. Please do not develop this any further or base work on this concept, this is only useful for a historic record of work done. You may find a link to the currently used concept or function in this article, if not you can contact the author to find out what has taken the place of this legacy item.

Please refer to [[the TreeAndMenu extension]] instead.

Voodoo.svg This code exhibits voodoo programming techniques. The most common of these is extending an instance's class at runtime after it has been instantiated, a technique that can be used to provide additional hooks into existing code without requiring modification of code-base files. For a list of all our scripts which exhibit voodoo, see Category:Code that uses voodoo.

<php><?php /**

if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) die('Not an entry point.');

define('TREEVIEW5_VERSION','5.1.11, 2008-04-30');

  1. Set any unset images to default titles

if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages) || !is_array($wgTreeViewImages)) $wgTreeViewImages = array();

$wgTreeView5Magic = "tree"; # the parser-function name for trees $wgTreeViewShowLines = false; # whether to render the dotted lines joining nodes $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfSetupTreeView5'; $wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = 'wfTreeView5LanguageGetMagic';

$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array( 'name' => 'Treeview5', 'author' => 'Nad, Sven', 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Treeview', 'description' => 'Extends the wiki parser to allow bullet and numbered lists to work with recursion and optionally allows these to be rendered as collapsible trees using the free dTree JavaScript tree menu.', 'version' => TREEVIEW5_VERSION );

class TreeView5 {

var $version = TREEVIEW5_VERSION; var $uniq = ; # uniq part of all tree id's

       var $uniqname = 'tv';    # input name for uniqid

var $id = ; # id for specific tree var $baseDir = ; # internal absolute path to treeview directory var $baseUrl = ; # external URL to treeview directory (relative to domain) var $images = ; # internal JS to update dTree images var $useLines = true; # internal variable determining whether to render connector lines var $args = array(); # args for each tree

/** * Constructor */ function __construct() { global $wgOut,$wgHooks,$wgParser,$wgScriptPath,$wgJsMimeType, $wgTreeView5Magic,$wgTreeViewImages,$wgTreeViewShowLines;

# Add hooks $wgParser->setFunctionHook($wgTreeView5Magic,array($this,'expandTree')); $wgHooks['ParserAfterTidy'][] = array($this,'renderTree');

# Update general tree paths and properties $this->baseDir = dirname(__FILE__); $this->baseUrl = preg_replace('|^.+(?=[/\\\\]extensions)|',$wgScriptPath,$this->baseDir); $this->useLines = $wgTreeViewShowLines ? 'true' : 'false'; $this->uniq = uniqid($this->uniqname);

# Convert image titles to file paths and store as JS to update dTree foreach ($wgTreeViewImages as $k => $v) { $title = Title::newFromText($v,NS_IMAGE); $image = Image::newFromTitle($title); $v = $image && $image->exists() ? $image->getURL() : $wgTreeViewImages[$k]; $this->images .= "tree.icon['$k'] = '$v';"; }

# Add link to output to load dtree.js script $wgOut->addScript("<script type=\"$wgJsMimeType\" src=\"{$this->baseUrl}/dtree.js\"></script>\n"); }

/** * Expand #tree parser-functions (reformats tree rows for matching later) and store args */ public function expandTree(&$parser) {

# Store args for this tree for later use $args = array(); foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) if (!is_object($arg)) { if (preg_match('/^(\\w+?)\\s*=\\s*(.+)$/s',$arg,$m)) $args[$m[1]] = $m[2]; else $text = $arg; }

# Create a unique id for this tree or use id supplied in args and store args wrt id $this->id = isset($args['id']) ? $args['id'] : uniqid(); $this->args[$this->id] = $args;

# Reformat tree rows for matching in ParserAfterStrip $text = preg_replace('/(?<=\\*)\\s*\\[\\[Image:(.+?)\\]\\]/',"{$this->uniq}3$1{$this->uniq}4",$text);

/** * Reformat tree bullet structure recording row, depth and id in a format which is not altered by wiki-parsing * - format is: 1{uniq}-{id}-{depth}-{item}-2{uniq} * - sequences of this format will be matched in ParserAfterTidy and converted into dTree JavaScript * - NOTE: we can't encode a unique row-id because if the same tree instranscluded twice a cached version * may be used (even if parser-cache disabled) this also means that tree id's may be repeated */ $text = preg_replace('/^(\\*+)(.*?)$/me','"\x7f1{'.$this->uniq.'}\x7f{'.$this->id.'}\x7f".(strlen($1)-1)."\x7f$2\x7f2{'.$this->uniq.'}"',$text);

return $text; }

/** * Called after parser has finished (ParserAfterTidy) so all transcluded parts can be assembled into final trees */ public function renderTree(&$parser, &$text) { global $wgJsMimeType; $u = $this->uniq;

# Determine which trees are sub trees # - there should be a more robust way to do this, # it's just based on the fact that all sub-tree's have a minus preceding their row data if (!preg_match_all("/\x7f\x7f1$u\x7f(.+?)\x7f/",$text,$subs)) $subs = array(1 => array());

# Extract all the formatted tree rows in the page and if any, replace with dTree JavaScript if (preg_match_all("/\x7f1$u\x7f(.+?)\x7f([0-9]+)\x7f({$u}3(.+?){$u}4)?(.*?)(?=\x7f[12]$u)/",$text,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER)) { # PASS-1: build $rows array containing depth, and tree start/end information $rows = array(); $depths = array( => 0); # depth of each tree root $rootId = ; # the id of the current root-tree (used as tree id in PASS2) $lastId = ; $lastDepth = 0; foreach ($matches as $match) { list(,$id,$depth,,$icon,$item) = $match; $start = false; if ($id != $lastId) { if (!isset($depths[$id])) $depths[$id] = $depths[$lastId]+$lastDepth; if ($start = $rootId != $id && !in_array($id,$subs[1])) $depths[$rootId = $id] = 0; } if ($item) $rows[] = array($rootId,$depth+$depths[$id],$icon,addslashes($item),$start); $lastId = $id; $lastDepth = $depth; }

# PASS-2: build the JavaScript and replace into $text $parents = array(); # parent node for each depth $last = -1; $nodes = ; foreach ($rows as $node => $info) { $node++; list($id,$depth,$icon,$item,$start) = $info; $args = $this->args[$id]; if (!isset($args['root'])) $args['root'] = ; # tmp - need to handle rootless trees $end = $node == count($rows) || $rows[$node][4]; $add = isset($args['root']) ? "tree.add(0,-1,'".$args['root']."');" : ;

# Append the dTree JS to add a node for this row if ($depth > $last) $parents[$depth] = $node-1; $parent = $parents[$depth]; $last = $depth; $nodes .= "{$this->uniqname}$id.add($node,$parent,'$item');\n";

# Last row of current root-tree, surround nodes dtree JS and div etc if ($end) {

# Open all and close all links $top = $bottom = $root = ;

foreach ($args as $arg => $pos) if (($pos == 'top' || $pos == 'bottom' || $pos == 'root') && ($arg == 'open' || $arg == 'close')) $$pos .= "<a href=\"javascript: {$this->uniqname}$id.{$arg}All();\"> {$arg} all</a> ";

if ($top) $top = "


"; if ($bottom) $bottom = "



if ($root) $add = "tree.add(0,-1,'$root');";

# Build tree JS $tree = " $top

<script type=\"$wgJsMimeType\"> // TreeView{$this->version} tree = new dTree('{$this->uniqname}$id'); for (i in tree.icon) tree.icon[i] = '{$this->baseUrl}/'+tree.icon[i];{$this->images} tree.config.useLines = {$this->useLines}; $add {$this->uniqname}$id = tree; $nodes document.getElementById('$id').innerHTML = {$this->uniqname}$id.toString(); </script>

$bottom "; $text = preg_replace("/\x7f1$u\x7f$id\x7f.+?$/m",$tree,$text,1); # replace first occurence of this trees root-id $nodes = ; } } }

$text = preg_replace("/\x7f1$u\x7f.+?[\\r\\n]+/m",,$text); # Remove all unreplaced row information return true; }



* Called from $wgExtensionFunctions array when initialising extensions

function wfSetupTreeView5() { global $wgTreeView5; $wgTreeView5 = new TreeView5(); }


* Needed in MediaWiki >1.8.0 for magic word hooks to work properly

function wfTreeView5LanguageGetMagic(&$magicWords,$langCode = 0) { global $wgTreeView5Magic; $magicWords[$wgTreeView5Magic] = array($langCode,$wgTreeView5Magic); return true; } </php>