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This is the page for my notes related to Vue.js


Component Properties


The data property contains data that your component needs to access. The data property should be a function that returns an object - this so each component has individual data rather than changing all components at once.

export default {
	data () {
		return {
			pageId: this.$,
			someVarible: "test",
			someOtherVarible: 123


The props property contains data that is handed down from the parent component or router.

export default {
	props: {
		someVarible: {
			required: true,
			type: String,
			default: "DEFAULT VALUE",
			validator: value => {
				// This is for custom validation of the prop
				// Return true if the prop is valid
				return value.length > 5;


The methods property contains functions that modify the state of the component and will have side effects.

export default {
	methods: {
		someMethod () {
			// do something that has some side effects
			return "Result";


The computed property contains functions that compute a result but has no other side effects.

export default {
		return {
			search: '',
			items: words
	computed: {
		filteredItems () {
			return this.items.filter(item => {
				return item.toLowerCase().search( > -1;


The watch property contains watches - functions that execute when a varible changes.

export default {
		return {
			someVarToWatch: "test"
	watch: {
		someVarToWatch: (val) => {
			Store.dispatch("setSomeVarToWatch", someVarToWatch);
			// run some method to update the page to reflect the change

Life Cycle Hooks

Each vue element has a life cycle from before its created to the moment its destroyed, the hooks are listed in order of which they are fired.


The beforeCreate hook is fired before the vue component is created, you do not have access to the data associated with the component.

export default {
	beforeCreate () {
		// Do something


The created property is a function that gets executed when the component is created - it is often used to prepare the component. In this hook you have access to the data in the component.

export default {
	data () {
		return {
			image: new Image()
	created () {
		this.image.src = "image.jpg";

		this.image.onload = () => {
			document.getElementById("image").src = this.image.src;


The beforeMount hook is fired before it is mounted or actually altering the DOM.

export default {
	beforeMount () {
		// Do something


The mounted hook is fired when vue mounts the virtual DOM to the real DOM. It is at this moment you have access to this.$el.

export default {
	mounted () {


The beforeDestroy hook is fired right before the component is destroyed. This hook can be useful for calling cleanup functions etc.

export default {
	beforeDestroy () {
		// Do something


the destroyed hook is fired after the element is destroyed. This hook can be useful to notify anything else that the component has been destroyed. The element is considered destroyed if it is hidden by a v-if or the vue router etc.

export default {
	destroyed () {
		// Do something


The components property is a object containing the components your component uses like the example below:


	import importedComponent from "./importedComponent";

	export default {
		components: {


The mixins property is useful for providing the same functionality across multiple components, like showing a loading symbol while that data is fetch from a database.
Mixins themselves have the same properties as components - this is because when you add a mixin to your component you copy all the mixin data to it.
Mixins are usually kept in a separate folder called "mixins" with each mixin in its own file. It is preferable to prefix the properties in the mixin with FILENAME_ to avoid collisions and help with locating what mixin does what.
Here is an example showing simple usage:

// src/mixins/asyncDataStatus.js

export default {
	data () {
		return {
			asyncDataStatus_ready: false

	methods: {
		asyncDataStatus_fetched () {
			this.asyncDataStatus_ready = true;
<!-- src/pages/PageHome.vue -->

	<div v-if="asyncDataStatus_ready">
		Fetched data: {{ theData }}
	<div v-else>

	import asyncDataStatus from "@/mixins/asyncDataStatus";

	export default {
		mixins: [asyncDataStatus],

		data () {
			return {
				theData: ""
		created () {
			fetch('').then(response => {
				this.theData = response;


The filters property are used to modify a variable type into a specific format for example timestamps to dates, currencies ect.
Filters are just methods with special syntax in the template section.

		{{ timestamp | humanFriendlyDate }}

	import moment from "moment";

	export default {
		data () {
			return {
				timestamp: 1509638478

		filters: {
			humanFriendlyDate (date) {
				return moment.unix(date).format("MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a");


The template property can be used to inject code into an vue instance.

new Vue({
	el: "#app",
	template: "<App/>",
	components: { App }


The router property defines the router that the vue component will use.

In Component Navigation Guards

The navigation guards are hooks that call when the route changes. They each have three parameters: to, from, and next.


This hook triggers just before the route enters the path with the component in it.

beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {


This hook triggers when the the route changes but still has this component in it.

beforeRouteUpdate (to, from, next) {


This hook triggers just before the route leaves the path with the component in it. A useful case for this hook is to verify they want to leave a form page before they lose their data.

beforeRouteLeave (to, from, next) {


The store property defines the store that the vue component will use.



The style section can have the optional parameter "scoped" which makes the css only local to the component it is attached to instead of being global. You may add 2 style tags to your component if you wish to have both local and global css.

	/* global css code */

<style scoped>
	/* local css code */


The style section can have the optional parameter "module" which seperates the css from the rest. You have to access the class selectors with the v-bind class parameter likes so:

		<h1 :class="$style.test">Test 1</h1>
		<h1 :class="$style['test-two']">Test 2</h1>

<style module>
	.test {
		color: red;

	.test-two {
		color: blue;

Special Functions / Parameters


Vue cannot detect changes in objects so to manually tell vue to update the data you can use the vue.set() function as shown below:

var object = {
	propertyName: "initialValue"
var value = "someValue";

Vue.set(object, "propertyName", value);

To use Vue.set you need to import Vue in the file - if you don't want to do this you can use this.$set instead like so:

this.$set(object, "propertyName", value);


To make your component emit a custom event you can use this.$emit like so:

export default {
	methods: {
		emitEvent () {
			this.$emit("emittedEvent", {someData: "data"});

Then you can listen to the event from other components using v-on like demonstrated below:

		<importedComponent @emittedEvent="doSomething"></importedComponent>

	import importedComponent from "@/components/importedComponent";

	export default {
		components: {

		methods: {
			doSomething () {
				console.log("done something");


Vue components and subcomponents can access the root vue instance that created them and access all the properties of it including being able to call its methods, computed properties etc.


Global Properties

You can register properties globally by using
It is usually preferable to do this in the main.js file so that it gets registered once.
Here is an example registering a component globally:

The component property is used to register components globally allowing you to use them without importing them in every component that needs it.

import importedComponent from "@/components/importedComponent";

Vue.component("componentName", importedComponent);

html properties


.prevent is used as short-hand to prevent default behavior, the following example shows it preventing from submission:

<form @submit.prevent="someMethod">


.stop is used to stop event propagation.

<div @click.stop="someMethod"></div>



.once makes the event as the name suggest happen only once.

<div @click.once="someMethod"></div>


v-once can be added to the element so that everything in it only runs once.

<div v-once>{{ someData }}</div>

someData will remain its initial value even after it has changed.


.exact makes the event trigger only if it happens with no other feedback, for example:

<div @click.exact="someMethod"></div>

The event will only fire when it is clicked, it will not fire if another mouse or keyboard button is down when it is clicked.


.self makes the event only trigger if it happens to the element itself - not child elements.

<div @click="someMethod">Will trigger<div>Will trigger.</div></div>
<div @click.self="someMethod">Will trigger<div>Won't trigger.</div></div>


.number makes the input only accept numbers, it ignores any whitespace in the beginning.

<input v-model.number="data" />
	Input:		Output:
	"123"		123
	" 123"		123
	"123a123"	123
	"a123a123"	"a123a123"


.trim filters out unnecessary whitespace, for example:

<input v-model.trim="data" />

If you enter " 1 2 3 4 ", the data will be stored as: "1 2 3 4" - thus cutting out consecutive whitespace and whitespace in the beginning and end of the string.


.lazy makes the event only happen once it loses focus, for example:

<textarea v-model.lazy="data" />

The data will only update when the user clicks away.


.capture priorities the event trigger, for example:

<div @click="someMethod">
	<div @click="someOtherMethod">CLICK</div>

When "CLICK" is clicked someOtherMethod will be triggered then someMethod.

<div @click.capture="someMethod">
	<div @click="someOtherMethod">CLICK</div>
Here, when "CLICK" is clicked someMethod will be triggered before someOtherMethod.


.passive makes the event happen as it is triggering instead of after is is fired, for example:

<div v-on:scroll.passive="someMethod"></div>

The event will fire when the div is scrolling in contrast to when it has finished scrolling.
NOTE: do not use .passive and .prevent together.


v-model is shorthand for :value and @input the two examples below do the same thing:

<input type="text" v-model="someTextVar" />
<input type="text" :value="someTextVar" @input="someTextVar = $" />


class is a way for vue to create dynamic classes, there are two syntaxes for this object and array.
<div :class="{className: vueDataVarible}"></div> <!-- The div has the class "className" when vue's data property "vueDataVarible" is set to true -->
<div :class="[vueDataVarible ? 'classNameOne' : 'classNameTwo']"></div> <!-- The div will toggle between "classNameOne" and "classNameTwo" depending on the state of vueDataVarible -->
<div :class="[vueDataVarible ? 'className' : '']"></div> <!-- The div will toggle the class "className" depending on the state of vueDataVarible -->

Keyboard Events

Keyboard events can be triggered using @keydown.key or @keyup.keyCode, here are a few examples

<input type="text" @keyup.enter="someMethod" /> <!-- Triggers when the "enter" key is released -->
<input type="text" @keyup.k="someMethod" /> <!-- Triggers when the "k" key is released -->
<input type="text" @keydown.enter="someMethod" /> <!-- Triggers when the "enter" key is pushed -->
	NOTE: this will trigger once then many more times due to key repeats if it is held
	for example if you hold the "z" key for 3 seconds you would end up with 15 "z"'s and an event triggered for each one.
<input type="text" @keydown.ctrl.c="someMethod" /> <!-- Triggers when the "ctrl-c" combination is pushed -->
<input type="text" @keydown.shift.c="someMethod" /> <!-- Triggers when the "shift-c" combination is pushed -->
<input type="text" @keydown.alt.c="someMethod" /> <!-- Triggers when the "alt-c" combination is pushed -->
<input type="text" @keydown.k.c="someMethod" /> <!-- Triggers when EITHER "k" or "c" is pushed -->

	Other key modifiers:

Mouse Events

Mouse events can be triggered in similar fashion to keyboard events, here are a few examples:

<input type="text" @mouseup.left="someMethod" /> <!-- Triggers when the left mouse click is released -->
<input type="text" @mousedown.right="someMethod" /> <!-- Triggers when the right mouse click is pushed -->
<input type="text" @mousedown.middle="someMethod" /> <!-- Triggers when the middle mouse click is pushed -->

<textarea @scroll="someMethod" /> <!-- Triggers when the text area is scrolled -->
	NOTE: the event will be triggered event if the textarea is scrolled by input overflow.

<div @mouseover="someMethod"></div> <!-- Triggers once the mouse enters the elements area -->
<div @mouseout="someMethod"></div> <!-- Triggers once the mouse leaves the elements area -->

<div @click="someMethod"></div> <!-- Triggers when that element is clicked -->
<div @dblclick="someMethod"></div> <!-- Triggers when that element is double clicked -->

<div @click.ctrl="someMethod"></div> <!-- Triggers when that element is clicked while holding the "ctrl" key -->

Vue Router

Router Links

Router links can be used much like the usual a elements:

<a href="/somePage">link</a>
<router-link :to="/somePage">link</router-link>

Or you can specify the router route name and params like so:

<router-link :to="{name: 'Page', params: { id: 123 }}">

Where router routes contains something like:

	path: "/page/:id",
	name: "Page",
	component: componentName,
	props: true

History Mode

To set the router to html5 history mode you need to specify the mode parameter in your router.js file like so:

export default new Router({
	routes: [
			path: "/",
			name: "Home",
			component: Home
	mode: "history"

Router Methods

You can access the vue router in a component like this:



The router has a push method so you can change the route when an event happens.

this.$router.push({name: "ROUTE", params: {}});


Special Functions


The store function is used to create a vuex store like the below example.

new Vuex.Store({
	state: {

	getters: {

	actions: {

	mutations: {

Store Properties


The state property is used to hold all the varibles need, and is similar to vue's data property.

new Vuex.Store({
	state: {
		storedDataOne: "someData",
		storedDataTwo: 123,
		storedDataThree: [],
		storedDataObject: {
			objectPropertyOne: []


The getters property is used to return the data in the format needed, much like vue's computed property.

getters: {
	storedDataThreeCount () {
		return state.storedDataThree.length;


The actions property is used to do more complex actions like fetch data with an ajax call and then call a mutation to update the data, actions can be likened to vue's methods property.

mutations: {
	fetchStoredDataTwo (context) {
		// Fetch data from server
		// context.commit(data);

To call an action you can use the dispatch method:



The mutations property is used to do simple changes to the store state.

mutations: {
	setStoredDataTwo (state, someNewData) {
		state.storedDataTwo = someNewData;

To run a mutation in a component you first must import the store then commit the state:

store.commit("setStoredDataTwo", 321);

Map Helpers

The map functions are helper functions for access the vuex store - they can significantly reduce your code if you have a lot of computed properties, methods or anything else that only makes a call to the store.


Here is an example where this code can be reduced significantly:

computed: {	
	products () {
		return this.$store.state.products;

	cart () {
		return this.$store.state.cart;

	productIsInStock () {
		return this.$store.getters.productIsInStock;

	message () {
		return this.$store.getters.message;

methods: {
	checkout: {
import {mapState, mapGetters} from "vuex";
// ...
computed: mapState({
	products: state => state.products,
	cart: "cart" // OR: state => state.cart

methods: mapActions(["checkout"]);
/* OR:
methods: mapActions({
	checkout: "checkout"

You may change the names of theses properties as well:

import {mapState, mapGetters} from "vuex";
// ...
computed: mapState({
	allProducts: state => state.products,
	shoppingCart: state => state.cart

To copy these functions to the computed property rather than set the computed property to them you can use the spread operator (...)

Final Example

import {mapState, mapGetters, mapActions} from "vuex";
// ...
computed: {
		allProducts: "products" // OR: state => state.products,
		shoppingCart: "cart" // OR: state => state.cart

	...mapGetters(["productIsInStock", "message"])

methods: {

If you compare this to the code not using it you can see that you save a lot of room and simplify code.

List of map helpers

There is a map helper for each vuex store property:

  • mapstate
  • mapGetters
  • mapActions
  • mapMutators


To split a vuex store file up you could import actions from one file getters from another and so on or you can use vuex's module system which is a way to split state up into separate items. You might have a module for authentication another one for your product list, another for your cart and so on.

Module Files

You usually have you store structure setup like this for modules:


Each module file contains mostly the same code as a store file:

export default {
	state: {


	getters: {


	actions: {


	mutations: {


Each module should only contain the code related to itself.

Imported Modules

To import vuex modules you can use the modules property like so:

import Vuex from "vuex";
import Vue from "vue";
import cart from "./modules/cart";
import products from "./modules/products";


export default new Vuex.Store({
	modules: {

	state: {


	getters: {


	actions: {


	mutations: {


The store file should contain the state, actions, etc that uses multiple modules or fit better in a global scope.

Module's Scope

The actions, mutators, and getters in each module are defined in a global scope therefore no change is needed in the components code.
The state property in each module is local so you must define the module who's state you wish to access for example:

computed: {
		products: state => state.products.items // INSTEAD OF: state.items

The Root State

If you need to access the store file's state from a module or another module you can use the rootState parameter. The getters have the rootState as its third parameter.

getters: {
	stateExample (state, getters, rootState) {
		// Access the store file's state
		console.log(rootState) // This will output the state object in the stores index.js file
		console.log(rootState.someVar) // This will output whatever someVar is set to in the stores index.js file

		// Accessing other modules state
		console.log(rootState.someModule) // This will output the state object in the module "someModule"
		console.log(rootState.someModule.someVar) // This will output whatever someVar is set to in the "someModule" module


One of the problems with modules is that the getters, actions, and mutators are global - therefore when two or more modules have the same action and a component calls that action all of the modules with that action will have that action executed - possibly helpful in some rare cases, or more likely create bugs.
Namespaces are a way to further separate modules - so that the modules have their own local getters, actions, and mutators.

Namespacing Modules

To define a namespace you can set the namespaced property to true like so:

export default {
	namespaced: true,

	state: {
		// ...

	// ...

The Root Getters

The root getters are accessed the same way as the root state. In the getters the "rootGetters" parameter is passed as the fourth parameter.
Here is an example of usage:

getters: {
	cartProducts (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) {

actions: {
	addProductToCart ({commit, state, getters, rootState, rootGetters}, product) {

Commiting Actions To Other Modules

To commit an action to another module that is a child module of the module or store that is trying to commit the action like this:

commit("products/decrementProductInventory", product);

To commit an action to another module that is not the child module of the module that is trying to commit it you can define the call from root like this:

commit("products/decrementProductInventory", product, {root: true});

Access Namespaced Modules From Components

The components need to specify the namespace's module who's action is getting called. This can be done in two ways as these examples demonstrate for a namespaced "cart" module:

computed: {
		products: "cart/cartProducts",
		total: "cart/cartTotal",
		productIsInStock: "products/productIsInStock"

		checkoutStatus: state => state.cart.checkoutStatus
computed: {
	...mapGetters("cart", {
		products: "cartProducts",
		total: "cartTotal"

	...mapGetters("products", {
		productIsInStock: "productIsInStock"

	...mapState("cart", {
		checkoutStatus: state => state.checkoutStatus

Global Store

If you would like store to be accessable global you can define it in the root vue component (usually the main.js file).

import Vue from "vue";
import App from "./App";
import store from "@/store/index";

new Vue({
	el: "#app",
	render: h => h(App)

Then you can access the store from all components without importing it like so:


Vue Config


By default vue has an alias "@" to reference the src folder in the project

import Home from "@/pages/home";

You can add your own custom aliases by editing the build/webpack.base.config.js file like so:

resolve: {
  extensions: ['.js', '.vue', '.json'],
  alias: {
    'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js',
    '@': resolve('src'),
    'pages': resolve('src/pages')

and you can use it like so:

import Home from "pages/home";