Talk:Import CSV data into a wiki

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 20:19, 26 March 2008 by Nad (talk | contribs) (Running from windows: need to specify perl on windows)

Here lies the documentatation for


csv2wiki is a way to import data from a CSV file into a wiki running mediawiki. There are two versions of this program. The first is a command-line driven version written in the Perl language. The second is a PHP version that can be run from a web browser.

How It Works

Source File


Logging In

Running from windows

If you are needing to run Csv2wiki from a Windows machine, you will first need to install Active Perl. Refer to their site for documentation.

  • Copy your job description file (eg job.txt) to the same directory as the and scripts
  • Open up a command prompt
  • change to the directory containing the script
perl job.txt

Job file syntax

The job files contain the following parameters to specify a parsing job:

  • csv: c:\foo.csv (the full pathname of the CSV file for this job)
  • wiki: (the URL of the wiki to update, must be long-form)
  • user: WikiUser (the username to log in to the wiki as)
  • pass:
  • title: 7 (index of field to use as article title, zero is first field)
  • template: MyTemplate (defaults to "Record" if not included)