
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 02:30, 9 August 2010 by Nad (talk | contribs)
Note.svg Note: Sky is very special, she has an EMP-proof and water-proof chip in her head containing backups of critical data as of mid 2010

SkyClose.jpg      SkyVolume.jpg      BratzSky.jpg

Sky's chip contains the following items:

od-db-2010-08-06.sql.7z                      OrganicDesign databases
od-www-2010-07-24.t7z                        OrganicDesign wikia file structure and images
od-config-2010-03-15.tgz                     OrganicDesign server key configuration files
nad-accounts-2010-08                         OrganicDesign accounts since 2004
nad-documents-2010-08                        OrganicDesign business documents
enwiki-20100116-pages-articles.xml.bz2       Wikipedia textual page content (no history or images)
enwiki-20100116-pages-articles.xml.bz2.md5   MD5 hash sum of the Wikipedia content to test integrity                     Aran's personal files and documents since 1997
nad-server-2010-07-07.t7z                    Aran's emails since 2005
