Example Selenium test suite

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 14:24, 22 October 2014 by Nad (talk | contribs) ({{legacy}})
Legacy.svg Legacy: This article describes a concept that has been superseded in the course of ongoing development on the Organic Design wiki. Please do not develop this any further or base work on this concept, this is only useful for a historic record of work done. You may find a link to the currently used concept or function in this article, if not you can contact the author to find out what has taken the place of this legacy item.

Links to the suite & individual tests

Links to the test and suites can be created as they have in this section, but the easiest way to select and run tests is from the Selenium special page. For the test suite article to be available from the select list in the special page, it must be categorised into Category:Selenium.

Create account

This test is an example of transclusion of another article (Example Selenium test) which itself a test article encapsulated in selenium tags. <selenium> Create Account

Create Account
open {{localurl:Special:Userlogout}}
open {{localurl:Main Page}}
clickAndWait link=Log in / create account
clickAndWait link=Create an account
storeEval new Date().getTime()-1000000000000 username
type wpName2 ${username}
type wpPassword2 password
type wpRetype password
clickAndWait wpCreateaccount
verifyTitle glob:*successful*



This test is an example of an inline <selenium> test. <selenium> Login

open {{localurl:Special:Userlogout}}
clickAndWait link=Log in / create account
type wpName1 Foo
type wpPassword1 bar
clickAndWait wpLoginattempt
verifyTitle glob:*successful*


Edit an article

<selenium> Edit an article

Edit an article
open {{localurl:TestArticle}}
clickAndWait link=Edit
storeEval new Date().getTime()-1000000000000 content
type wpTextbox1 *Test: ${content} ~~~~
clickAndWait wpSave
verifyHtmlSource regex:
  • Test: ${content}
  • </selenium>

    Edit a section

    <selenium> Edit a section

    Edit a section
    open {{localurl:User talk:Foo}}
    clickAndWait link=+
    type wpSummary foo
    type wpTextbox1 bar
    clickAndWait wpSave
    clickAndWait link=edit
    verifyTitle Editing*(section)*



    <selenium> Logout

    open {{localurl:Main Page}}
    clickAndWait link=Log out
    verifyHtmlSource glob:*You are now logged out.*
