Vue application boilerplate needed

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Revision as of 16:21, 16 June 2017 by Nad (talk | contribs) (desc)
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We have a project which currently has a PHP back-end and VueJS on the front-end. We'd like to move this over to a NodeJS back-end so that we can make it more dynamic using WebSockets. We're still very new to Vue and would like someone who's done a few complex projects and knows the common pitfalls and best practices to set up a boilerplate application for us so we can use it as a basis for migrating our application over to it.

We'd like this application to exhibit some simple functionality to demonstrate how an efficient, but simple, dynamic application should be structured. We think a simple chat application would be a good demonstration. It needs absolutely no care taken with the design at all, it would be simple HTML forms and would exhibit the following functionality.

  • Visitors can register
  • Registered users can log in and out
  • There is a predefined list of chat channels to select from
  • Once a channel is selected one can see a list of users who are online and have also selected that channel
  • Messages can be entered which are broadcast to all others in the same channel and all see the messages that have arrived since they entered the channel

We'd like this boilerplate to be based on the official Webpack-simple template and to have no dependencies apart from the minimal set of components necessary for this boilerplate application. We see the necessary dependencies as being the following:

  • A database (we'd like to use ArangoDB but this is not absolutely essential)
  • An authentication module for entering passwords securely
  • A websocket system that can communicate efficiently to groups

We'd like this boilerplate to be created on a Debian system and the creation process to be documented so that we can start form the Webpack-simple template ourselves and follow the documented steps to install the dependencies into the OS and extend the webpack-simple template to arrive at the fully functional boilerplate application.