From Organic Design wiki
Ω - The outcome space.
ω - An outcome.
∅ - A non event.
∪ - Union.
∩ - Intersection.
∈ - Is in.
∉ - Is not in.
⊂ - Subset of.
⊆ - Subset or equal to.
- Note: there is a small difference between ⊂ & ⊆ but sometimes they get used interchangeably.
⊄ - Is not a subset of.
⊃ - Superset of.
⊇ - Is not a superset of.
ℙ(A) - Probability of A.
Ac - A compliment - The event A does not occur.
ω∈A - The outcome ω is in the event A
A∪B - The union of A and B - The set containing all the elements from A and B without duplicates.
A∩B - The intersection of A and B - The set containing all the common elements from A and B.
A∩B = ∅ - The sets A and B are disjoint.
ℙ(A∪B) = ℙ(A) + ℙ(B) - The sets A and B are disjoint.
#A - The number of elements A contains if A is finite.