Introduction to Microarray analysis

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 21:16, 14 March 2006 by Sven (talk | contribs) (Statistical issues)

Overview of experimental process


  • Competitive hybridization to spotted oligo/cDNA transcripts
  • Interested in genes that change between treatments
differential expression versus equivalent expression

Statistical analysis process


  • Raw data (GPR file format)
  • Each GPR intensity file is typically >8 megabytes
  • Each TIFF image file is typically >30 megabytes
  • A microarray experiment consists of several → many slides

Statistical issues

  • In the past statistics was developed for n >>p
n observations, p variables
  • Gene expression data n<<p
Thousands of measured genes (p)
Small number of biological replicate slides (n)
  • Gene expression data can be highly correlated
groups of genes are regulated in the same way
  • Data not normally distributed
log transform highly skewed intensity data

File:Graph channels.tiff

Analysis wish list

  • Ideally would like unambiguous interpretation of results
  • Large amounts of data to analyse can be overwhelming and make interpretation subjective
  • Independent reproducibility of results by another collegue
  • Keep a record (log) of what was done

Analysis aim

  • Easier to rank genes in order of evidence of differential expression than it is to select a specific cutoff
  • If we do select a cutoff, False Discovery Rate (FDR) cutoff is usually used
    • FDR threhold is the expected proportion of genes in a list that are likely to be incorrect

TODO: Picie of a gene list