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Revision as of 00:31, 23 July 2006 by Nad (talk | contribs) (rp usage)
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This script is used to manage the running and compiling of peerd instances. There are a few command line options now which are explained here: --Nad 12:31, 23 Jul 2006 (NZST)


By itself rp will syncronise all the scripts listed in Bender/fileSync, then attempt to compile husk.c. If successful, the currently running instances are killed, and then a new instance started. If the compile stage has any errors or even warnings, no processes will be killed or started.

rp l

This simply lists the currently running instances and then exits.

rp k

This lists and kills the currently running instances, then exits.

rp c

This option skips the syncronisation of any files and goes directly to the compile stage.

rp script1.c script2.c...

Specifying one or more names of C script-articles will cause rp to sync only those and not check the Bender/fileSync list.