Template talk:A customer

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 21:28, 24 October 2006 by Nad (talk | contribs)
  • You can't use someones name as if quoting them if you've changed the text
  • You've switched the word "customer" with your business name reversing his meaning

This does raise an interesting issue though - Ghandi had to have such a viewpoint to try and counteract the problem of corporations having the same rights as Humans (see w:Corporate personhood), but having no moral foundation (in fact by law they must act immorally in conforming to the current economic bottom-line principles). The project doesn't believe in overcorrection though and would say that organisations and people are both equal entities, but also that this can only work where both parties work in accord with the principles. It has to be this way due to the recursive nature of organisation, and the need for customers to be interchangeable with organisations, like wildoats.com being an important client of other organisations etc.