Wiki cheatsheet

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 22:23, 3 January 2007 by Rob (talk | contribs) (loose border)

Description You type You get
Applies anywhere
Italicise text



Bold text



Bold and italic

'''''bold & italic'''''

bold & italic


Internal link

(within this wiki)

Internal link
(to a category)

Interwiki Link
(to partner wiki)

[[name of page]]
[[name of page|display text]]

[[:Category:name of category]]

[[w:name of article]]
[[wiki:name of article]]
[[wiki:name of article|display text]]

name of page
display text

Category:name of category

w:name of article
wiki:name of article
display text

Note: red links mean
the page doesn't exist yet

External link

(to other websites)

[ display text]
[ Bob's email]

display text
Bob's email


#redirect [[Target page]]

1. redirect Target page



J.Doe 22:26, 27 September 2024
22:26, 27 September 2024

Escape wiki markup

with ''markup''
<nowiki>without ''markup''</nowiki>

with markup
without ''markup''

Applies only at the beginning of the line

of different sizes

=level 1=
==level 2==
===level 3===
====level 4====

Tip: put __NOTOC__ in an article
to remove its table-of-contents

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4
Outline Numbered

# one
# two
## two point one
# three

Note: read about more advanced
outline numbering concepts here

1. one

2. two

2.1 two point one

3. three

Bullet list

* one
* two
** two point one
* three

  • one
  • two
    • two point one
  • three
Definition list

:item 1
:item 2

item 1
item 2
Thumbnail image

[[Image:Udegawa.jpg|thumb|Caption text]]

Caption text