
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 20:41, 1 July 2007 by Sven (talk | contribs) (geshi- is out now. Added bash code to organise geshi download)

In LocalSettings.php: <bash> include("extensions/GeSHiCodeTag/GeSHiCodeTag.php"); </bash> In geSHiCodeTag.php: <bash> include("extensions/geshi/geshi.php"); $languagesPath = "extensions/geshi/geshi"; </bash>

<bash> extensions/GeSHiCodeTag-1.0.0/GeSHiCodeTag.php extensions/GeSHiCodeTag -> GeSHiCodeTag-1.0.0 extensions/GeSHi- extensions/GeSHi- extensions/geshi -> GeSHi- </bash>

The only hassle with this is that GeSHi- physically unbundles to <bash> ./geshi/geshi/ </bash> and we want to make a sim link to geshi so we have to rename the directory structure. <bash>

  1. In the extensions directory:

tar -zxvf GeSHi- mv geshi GeSHi- ln -s GeSHi- geshi </bash> --Sven 08:41, 2 July 2007 (NZST)