Talk:Wikilink use-cases

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 07:18, 17 April 2011 by Robin Patterson (talk | contribs) (Question for author)

refactor to category

one day i would love to see an easy, drag-n-drop method for refactoring a link or set of links in a selected text area to simultaneously edit those linked-to pages to be added to a category, instead of having to move back and forth between the source page and the target pages, editing each one by one. Refactoring tools on a wiki are something that to date, hardly exist.

(unsigned edit 2011-04-07T03:03:19 User:Infomaniac)

Tags and categories

The article should probably offer more of a definition of "tag" because of the varied meanings of the word on this wiki and elsewhere. (Search for "tags" to see the variety.)

When the sort of tag being discussed is defined and then compared and contrasted with categories, there could be more use of examples. Template:Tag, for example, could be better explained. I used "What links here" to see it in use: the two most recent pages showed no evidence of its use; maybe we should be told what to look for.

dinnertime; more later!

Robin Patterson 00:18, 17 April 2011 (PDT)