22 May 2012

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Anti-war veterans threw their medals into a street outside NATO Summit

Source: consciouslifenews.com

Dozens of anti-war veterans threw their medals into a street near the site of the NATO Summit 2012 to show their resentment of war and preference for human life.

While the NATO summit was underway, dozens of war veterans and thousands of protesters gathered in Chicago to protest against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The protests were held in order to call to attention the uselessness of war and propagation of peace. The war veterans were generally showing their regret for having fought uncalled for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The protesters called the medals they got for their service as “representations of hate,” “lies” and “cheap tokens,” and then they tossed their medals into the street. Most of the people present there were also making emotional pleas for forgiveness from the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.

A lot of people in the protest were dressed in military attire and chanted through the streets, calling out, “N-A-T-O, NATO has got to go,” and “No NATO, no war, we don’t work for you no more.”