The Project 2.0

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 21:35, 23 June 2012 by Nad (talk | contribs) (So whats required now?: FT also said "an OpenTransact or PaySwarm implementation that uses OT behind the scenes as its "engine", I think that would be a great project.")

After working for many years on our attempt at a solution to the global problems, we got to a point where we realised what was needed, but felt that the task was too big. We came up with documents such as Platform and Software architecture but knew that we either needed these ideas to be developed as a large community effort, or that we'd need to team up with some serious financial interests. We felt unable to attract the support necessary from the community and so attempted the latter approach but found it too difficult to find aligned partners in the financial world, and even began to suffer internal group problems as soon as finances began to get involved.

A fresh look

I decided to leave the project and focus on my personal project of getting independent and living off the grid on our own land far away from the rat race. But of course I still have Internet and continue researching and after six months I became aware of some extremely interesting projects that are completely aligned with our philosophy here at Organic Design and have reached exactly the same conclusions in terms of what's technically required. But more importantly, these groups and projects are very successful and are actually achieving the construction of a new distributed society in cypherspace.

What was missing in cypherspace that needed to be developed to allow a society to begin forming was a proper mature financial system that would allow people to trade products and services together and that could scale to handle the financing of large projects and industry. This requires the ability to provide proper investment mechanisms and financial tools such as loan repayment plans and escrow systems.

But these tools are now available and are able to integrate with the current financial system when needed and yet use Bitcoin as the overall reserve currency for this new society which is being called The Second Realm.

So whats required now?

It seems to me like all the tools are now available to be able to set up a functional productive society complete within the Second Realm. But the problem is that the tools are all separate projects that need to be integrated into a single usable operating system. I think the requirement now would be to aork at the operating system level and package these tools up into a Linux distro perhaps based on Byzantium or something similar which takes care of the automatic formation of all the running instances into a single cypherspace mesh.

The technologies that seem to be at the forefront of the agorist movement or heavily supported by them are (list still being made):

Open-Transactions is currently designed to run on the server-side, but it's written in a very modular way (and is on C++ which is really nice to see). Its storage layer is easily abstractable, and looks like it already has some plans in the pipeline to support CouchDB at some point.

I2P is a peer-to-peer anonymising network which supports a darknet (a collection of so-called "eepsites") and has it's own DHT based on a modified implementation of Kademlia. This DHT is used for storing its own routing and peer discovery information, but could be used for storing additional data used by other layers, but in any case other existing DHT implementations can always be bundled in with the package if necessary, since it would be preferable to be independent of distributed storage Google's service.

It seems that it wouldn't be too hard to create a plug-in for OT allowing it to be bundled with I2P and use its DHT for storage. The OT server could be unified so that it could process requests for any of the contracts in the DHT provided the local user can prove their identity, thus fully decentralising the OT system.

The smart contracts of the OT system are basically persistent objects that participate in a workflow system. This could form the foundation of a distributed organisational and project management application which is built on top of the anonymity, financial and contractual layers.

FT also said "an OpenTransact or PaySwarm implementation that uses OT behind the scenes as its "engine", I think that would be a great project."

See also