global $wgLang, $wgContLang, $$title;
if ( $event == 'data' ) {
# Appends article with a compact list of last 5 non-minor changes
$db =& wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$result = $db->query( "SELECT rc_id, rc_timestamp, rc_user_text, rc_namespace, rc_title, rc_comment FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_minor=0 ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC LIMIT 5" );
$changes = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$t = $wgLang->time( $row['rc_timestamp'], true );
$n = $wgContLang->getNsText( $row['rc_namespace'] );
$a = $n ? "$n:".$row['rc_title'] : $row['rc_title'];
$changes[] = 'id'.$row['rc_id']."=$t,".$row['rc_user_text'].",$a,".$row['rc_comment'];
if ( $_REQUEST['SWF'] ) {
$root = $properties->document_element();
# Remove all view transforms
if (php(4)) {
while ( count($tNodes = $root->get_elements_by_tagname('view')) ) $tNodes[0]->unlink_node();
else {
while ( ($tNodes = $root->getElementsByTagname('view')) && $tNodes->length ) {
$tNode = $tNodes->item(0);
$tNode->parentNode->removeChild( $tNode );
# Add only this transform
xwSetProperty($properties, 'view', $tTitle);
$$title = join( '&', $changes );
else $article = join( '
', $changes );
elseif ( $event == 'view' ) $article = $$title;