
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 12:41, 16 September 2012 by Nad (talk | contribs)
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Legacy.svg Legacy: This article describes a concept that has been superseded in the course of ongoing development on the Organic Design wiki. Please do not develop this any further or base work on this concept, this is only useful for a historic record of work done. You may find a link to the currently used concept or function in this article, if not you can contact the author to find out what has taken the place of this legacy item.

This project is essentially about setting up a set of best practices and procedures for the content management role which allow any document to be made available in a variety of formats such as PDF, Email, presentation and physical books via Content in the source document can exhibit sections and other parameters that depend on the format, for example to allow for some formats being more verbose than others.

Publish template

A template can be added to an article to specify which formats it is available in and so that the methods that the different formats use and what formats are available can be centralised into the template.

Conditional content

An example of this idea is Template:PdfLayout which positions an image to the left or right of text in the page, it does this the usual CSS way in the case of viewing the article directly, but if it's being exported as a PDF then the image layout is achieved with a table instead. As an example usage of this template, see the manifesto article.

We need to have a more generic solution with perhaps a switch-like statement and a group-based conditional statement.

Integration with the ontology

Not sure yet...

Content types

An overview of the types of content we want to publish. Different types of content have different technical, legal and bandwidth implications. We can link to how we currently manage various types of content or to projects to implement the ones we can't currently manage. If an example can't be found easily, a cross has been added for now.

  • Yes.svg Wiki Articles
  • Yes.svg Skinned website featuring selected articles (Using custom skin and public cat. Should also use something like flagged revisions for this)
  • No.svg Presentations/slide shows based on articles (we will test this on MediaWiki workshop)
  • Yes.svg PowerPoint presentations, PDF flyers (downloadable files)
  • Yes.svg PDF books for download (via PDF book extension)
  • No.svg Printed books (Amazon, - Based on PDF book, we need to think about how to do the printing, binding and sales, we need to integrate this with Shop and also investigate whether we can use the PediaPress technology for this.
  • No.svg Streaming audio
  • No.svg Audio files for download - linked to from streaming audio player
  • Yes.svg Streaming video (link to example!)
  • No.svg Video files for download - linked to from streaming video player
  • No.svg Torrent file distribution - includes easy torrent tracker creation and private (member-only) .torrent download pages

See also