Enabling math markup

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 19:21, 3 July 2013 by Nad (talk | contribs) (Example)
Procedure.svg Enabling math markup
Organic Design procedure
Info.svg Use this procedure to add math rendering support which is not included in the install a new server procedure by default as it requires many additional program libraries (about 200MB worth)

As of MediaWiki version 1.18 the math rendering has been put into the Math extension. See MW:Manual:Math for more details. To download the latest version of the extensions, use:

<bash>git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/p/mediawiki/extensions/Math.git</bash>

Note that as of MediaWiki 1.19, the extension repository has become out of sync with the codebase and a specific version needs to be used which you can download from [1].

Build the texvc binary

Enabling math markup requires latex, dvips, gs, and convert. OCaml 3.06 or later from caml.inria.fr is required to compile texvc. On Debian-based systems the requirements can be installed with the following packages:

apt-get install dvipng cjk-latex ocaml
  • Run make from within the MediaWiki's math directory to build the texvc binary on your system.
  • Make sure the directories tmp and math under 'images' exist and are writable.
  • Note: on Debian 7 we also required the texlive-latex-extra package.


The following maths code:

e^x = \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} {x^n \over n!} = 1 + x + {x^2 \over 2!} + {x^3 \over 3!} + {x^4 \over 4!} + \cdots

Should give the following output:

[math]e^x = \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} {x^n \over n!} = 1 + x + {x^2 \over 2!} + {x^3 \over 3!} + {x^4 \over 4!} + \cdots[/math]


After we changed over from Apache to Nginx I spent many hours trying to figure out why the texvc binary wouldn't produce the PNG file. The binary was being executed properly by shell_exec in MathTexvc.php, but for some reason would not build the image.

I couldn't find anything logged about a problem anywhere, and there were no differences in PHP configuration that I could find. I tried adjusting render.ml to leave the temporary files so I could analyse those (by removing the lines deleting then from the unlink_all function then running name clean and make to rebuild the texvc binary, but it wouldn't produce any of the files except the .tex one.

The only working solution I could come up with was to run the texvc as root using sudo by changing line 123 of MathTexvc.php as follows:

$contents = wfShellExec( "sudo $cmd" );

To allow the web-server to have sudo access without compromising security the following line can be added to the sudoers file using visudo.

www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/wiki/extensions/Math/math/texvc

See also