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library(limma) options(digits=2) packageDescription("limma", field="Version")

  1. ========================================================================
  2. 0) cDNA example analysing M matrix in MAList
  3. ========================================================================

set.seed(2) n <- 4 preps <- 4

  1. ========================================================================
  2. 1) Generating a RGList for transformation into MAList
  3. ========================================================================

RG <- new("RGList") RG$R <- matrix(rnorm(n*preps,8,2), nc=preps) RG$G <- matrix(rnorm(n*preps,8,2), nc=preps) RG$printer <- structure(list(ngrid.c=1, ngrid.r=1, nspot.c=2, nspot.r=2),

  1. Ordering genes same ass topTable for convenience

RG <- RG[c(4,2,1,3),]

MA <- MA.RG(RG) colnames(MA$M) <- paste("array", 1:preps, sep="") rownames(MA$M) <- paste("gene", 1:n, sep="") MA$M

design <- rep(1, preps) fit <- lmFit(MA, design=design, weights=NULL) fit$coeff fit <- eBayes(fit) topTable(fit, adjust="none")

  1. Checking M values


  1. Ordinary t-statistics use unequal variance

ordinary.t <- fit$coef / fit$stdev.unscaled / fit$sigma ordinary.t

  1. Checking t-statistics (not paired because we are using M values)

for(i in 1:n) { # var.equal T/F is the same

 print(t.test(MA$M[i,], paired=FALSE, var.equal=TRUE)$statistic)


  1. ========================================================================
  2. 2) Underlying lm.series fits a linear regression (weighted)
  3. ========================================================================

x <- as.matrix(design) Y <- t(MA$M)

  1. lm.series, no weights usage,Y)

lmfit <-,Y) lmfit$coef

  1. Same as rowmeans if no weights vector provided


  1. lmFit coefficients


  1. gene 1,,y)

lmfit <-,Y) lmfit$coef

  1. first principles


  1. ========================================================================
  2. 3) Adding weights to genes
  3. ========================================================================

RG$weights <- matrix(1, n,preps) RG$weights[row(RG$weights)<col(RG$weights)] <- 0 RG$weights

MA <- MA.RG(RG) design <- rep(1, preps) fit <- lmFit(MA, design=design, weights=MA$weights) fit$coeff fit <- eBayes(fit) topTable(fit, adjust="none")

  1. ========================================================================
  2. 3) First principles using lm.wfit
  3. ========================================================================
  1. fit on first gene only
  2. y <- MA$M[1,]

W <- MA$weights

  1. weighted loop over all four genes lm.wfit(x,y,w) ( remember Y is t(MA$M) )

for(i in 1:preps) {

 print(lm.wfit(x, Y[,i], W[i,])$coef)

} fit$coef

  1. Equivalent subsetting/averaging out 0 weight information

for(i in 1:preps) {

 print(Y[,i] %*% W[i,] / sum(W[i,]))


  1. first principles on gene 2

i <- 2 w <- t(MA$weights[i,]) y <- MA$M[i,] solve(t(x)%*%t(w)%*%w%*%x)%*%t(x)%*%t(w)%*%w%*%y

  1. Modifying the first weight

w[1] <- 0.5 print(lm.wfit(x, y, w)$coef)

  1. verification by multiplying weights by y

sum(w/sum(w) * y)

  1. ========================================================================
  2. Adding blocks, duplicateCorrelation calls randomizedBlockFit (statmod)
  3. corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(MA, ndups=1, block=c(1,1,2,2))
  4. fit <- lmFit(MA, block=c(1,1,2,2), correlation=corfit$consensus)
  5. ========================================================================
  6. ========================================================================
  7. 3) Analysis using limma
  8. ========================================================================

block <- rep(1:2, each=2) corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(MA, ndups=1, block=block) fit <- lmFit(MA, block=block, correlation=corfit$consensus,


design <- rep(1, preps) fit$coeff fit <- eBayes(fit) topTable(fit)


i <- 4 ndups <- 1 narrays <- preps A <- factor(rep(1:narrays, rep(ndups, narrays))) block <- rep(1:2, each=2) y <- MA$M[i,] X <- as.matrix(design)

  1. under independence Z <- model.matrix(~0+factor(1:preps))

Z <- model.matrix(~0+block)

w <- MA$weights[i,] s <- randomizedBlockFit(y, X, Z, only.varcomp = TRUE,

                 maxit = 20)$varcomp

s2 <- randomizedBlockFit(y, X, Z, w, only.varcomp = TRUE,

                 maxit = 20)$varcomp
  1. gls.series by first principles

ub <- unique(block) nblocks <- length(ub) Z <- matrix(block, narrays, nblocks) == matrix(ub, narrays,

            nblocks, byrow = TRUE)

V <- Z %*% (corfit$cor * t(Z)) diag(V) <- 1 wrs <- 1/sqrt(drop(MA$weights[i, ]))

cholV <- chol(V) y2 <- backsolve(cholV, y, transpose = TRUE) X2 <- backsolve(cholV, X, transpose = TRUE)

       out <-, y2)
  1. Verification

fit$coef[4] out$coef

  1. ========================================================================
  2. Section from lm.series which calls, and lm.wfit
  3. ========================================================================
  4. y <- as.vector(M[i, ])
  5. obs <- is.finite(y)
  6. if (sum(obs) > 0) {
  7. X <- design[obs, , drop = FALSE]
  8. y <- y[obs]
  9. if (is.null(weights))
  10. out <-, y)
  11. else {
  12. w <- as.vector(weights[i, obs])
  13. out <- lm.wfit(X, y, w)
  14. }
  15. ========================================================================

fit <- lmFit(MA) names(fit)

  1. ebayes adds df's, ted) (moderated) lods, F, and pvalues (usually adjusted)

fit2 <- ebayes(fit) names(fit2)

  1. ----------------------- Affymetrix approach for t-tests ------------------------ #

library(affy) eset <- new("exprSet") eset@exprs <- cbind(log2(RG$R), log2(RG$G))

design <- cbind(rep(1, preps*2), rep(0:1, each=preps)) fit <- lmFit(eset, design=design, weights=NULL) fit$coeff fit <- eBayes(fit) topTable(fit, coef=2, adjust="none")

fit$coef # First coef is M of group 1, second coef is the mean differences between groups for(i in 1:n) {

 print(t.test(eset@exprs[i,1:4], eset@exprs[i,5:8])$est)


ordinary.t <- fit$coef / fit$stdev.unscaled / fit$sigma ordinary.t

  1. Checking t-statistics (not paired because we are using M values)

for(i in 1:n) { # var.equal T/F is the same

 print(t.test(exprs(eset)[i,(1:n)+preps],exprs(eset)[i,(1:n)] , paired=FALSE, var.equal=TRUE)$statistic)
