
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 23:43, 14 September 2006 by Nad (talk | contribs) (processNodeNames() shouldn't always call listInsert())

// [[[[1]]]] - nodal p2p wiki daemon // This article and all its includes are licenced under LGPL // GPL: [[[[2]]]] // SRC: [[[[3]]]] // included in [[[[4]]]][[[[5]]]] // - used for storing and communicating nodal structure as plain text // - rather than XML we've used a simple wiki-link format for easy human editing

item processNodeNames(char*); char *serialise(node); void deserialise(char*);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // serialise.c

// Process passed string of pipe-separated names (ext GUID's are just alias's) // - returns index of a newly created internal node to which the passed names map // - returns index as item not node because nodal storage functions are active // - later: if its a number, convert to a binary-coded-string of \x00's and \x01's item processNodeNames(char *link) { char **links = split('|',link);

// Create a new node unless root or already created node subject = 0; if (strcmp(*links,"0") && (subject = trieGetValue(*links)) == 0) subject = (node)listInsert();

// Make node accessible by its names using trie int i = 0; char *key; while (key = links[i++]) { trieSetValue(key,subject); // need to store name as nodal attribute of node too }

// these are crashing... // free(links[0]); // free the separate string items // free(links); // and the pointers to them printf("(%s:%d)",link,subject); return subject; }

// Recursive-sub-function // - for each position, check 0,1 for more assocs, 2 for assoc-found-here void keySearch(int *keys, item subject,int path,int level) { logAdd(" search(ptr,%d,%d,%d)",subject,path,level); item i,s=subject+(subject<<1);

// If the current path continues on (has 0 and/or 1 links) then search those too if (i=space[s++]) keySearch(keys,i,path,level+1); if (i=space[s++]) keySearch(keys,i,path|(1<<level),level+1);

// If the current location has a value or a state, then this path is a complete key if (space[s] || *nodeState(subject,0)) { *keys++; path = (path|(2<<level))-2; insertPointer(&path); logAdd("  %d:%d",subject,path); } }

// Convert a node to text for storage or transport // - needs to do a binary traversal into the passed node to build association list char *serialise(node subject) {

logAdd(" INTERFACE: %d",nodeINTERFACE); logAdd(" STREAMS: %d",nodeSTREAMS); logAdd(" EVENTS: %d",nodeEVENTS); logAdd(" IO: %d",nodeIO); logAdd(" SERVER: %d",nodeSERVER); logAdd(" DESKTOP: %d",nodeDESKTOP); logAdd(" STREAM: %d",nodeSTREAM); logAdd(" WINDOW: %d",nodeWINDOW);

// create list of keys contained within subject node int keys = 0; keySearch(&keys,subject,0,0);

char *text; while (keys--) { // add returned key info as text } return text; }

// Convert textual represntation of one or more nodes and associations to nodal change void deserialise(char *text) { printf("\nPARSING THE FOLLOWING TEXT:\n--------------------------------------------\n%s\n--------------------------------------------\n\n", text); printf("INFORMATION EXTRACTED:\n--------------------------------------------\n"); item subject = 0; int key, val, i, j = 1, linkStart; char *link1 = malloc(100), *link2 = link1+50; for (i = 0; i < strlen(text); i++) { char *s = text+i; if (*s < 32) j = 1; else switch (j) { case 1: // starting new line - if not starting with *[[ then wait for next line if (strncmp(s,"*[[",3) == 0) { j = 2; linkStart = i+3; } else j = 0; break; case 2: // processing first link if (strncmp(s,"]]",2) == 0) { if (strncmp(s,"]];",3) == 0) { j = 4; // processing loop i--; // go back one so that case 4 gets the ]]; again } else if (strncmp(s,"]]:[[",5) == 0) j = 3; // done link 1 of 2 (assoc) else { // done link 1 of 1 (context) strncpy(link1,text+linkStart,i-linkStart); link1[i-linkStart] = '\0'; subject = processNodeNames(link1); printf("%d...\n",subject); j = 0; // wait for new line } } break; case 3: // processing link 2 of an association statement if (strncmp(s,"]]",2) == 0) { strncpy(link1,text+linkStart,i-linkStart); link2 = strchr(link1,'[')+2; link1[i-linkStart] = '\0'; link1[i-linkStart-strlen(link2)-5] = '\0'; key = processNodeNames(link1); val = processNodeNames(link2); listSetValue(listTraverse(subject,key),val); printf("\t%d : %d\n", key, val); j = 0; } break; case 4: // processing link n of a loop statement if (strncmp(s,"[[",2) == 0) linkStart = i+2; if (strncmp(s,"]]",2) == 0) { strncpy(link1,text+linkStart,i-linkStart); link1[i-linkStart] = '\0'; nodeLoopInsert(subject,key = processNodeNames(link1)); printf("%d ; ",key); if (strncmp(s,"]];[[",5)) { printf("\n"); j = 0; } } break; } } free(link1); printf("--------------------------------------------\n"); }