Living Together/Table of content

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Revision as of 04:36, 18 November 2006 by Flower (talk | contribs) (structure)


  • to write a paper which explains why the current systems or organisational ways of doing things don't work and what can be done instead.
  • analyse the current situation of global society and global political economic systems
  • show that the current problems can be solved by 'the project'


  1. Introduction

  1. Current Way of Living
    1. Philosophical Foundations
      1.  ???
      2. how do humans fit into the world?
    2. Social and Economic Systems
      1. Individualism
      2. Centralisation
      3. Democracy and Nation States
        1. gov is taking care of us/ looking after us - e.g. welfare state
        2. prohibition
      4. Bretton Woods
      5. Free Markets
      6. Globalisation
    3. Occuring Problems

  1. A New Way of Living
    1. Philosophical Foundations
      1. everything is interconnected
    2. Social and Economic Systems
      1. Organisation
      2. co-operation
      3. p2p
      4. all aspects changeable
        1. e.g. choose level of centralisation appropriated to situation/problem (water, energie, food)
    1. Roadmap - Transition periode

  1. Conclusion

  1. Bibliography

  • points to go...somewhere:
    • communication
    • self-responsibility