Serial ICSP programing
ICSP stands for In Circuit Serial Programming and is a method of flashing a Microcontroller with a serial data stream. ICSP is supported by both AVR and PIC type micros. This article describes how to construct a simple cable that will connect the ICSP header on the Arduino AVR board to the serial port of a PC.
avrdude is a small program for programming AVR micro-controllers. It is open source and supports a wide range of hardware and including a number of home-brew programmers. A number of device types are supported. These are listed in the avrdude.conf file.
The type of programmer I will detail is a par type device.
The Arduino exposes the ICSP lines through a 6 pin header on the board. Here is the pin out.
- 1 MISO
- 2 +5V
- 3 SCK
- 4 MOSI
- 6 GND
avrdude lets you set the pin outs from the serial port in the configuration file. I will modify an existing configuration for the purpose.
programmer id = "robflash"; desc = "Rob's home-brew AVR flash cable"; type = par; reset = 2; sck = 3; mosi = 4; miso = 13; ;
See also
- avrdude
- ICSP serial avr programmer
- ICSP programming using a separate USB driven serial programmer. This article has some useful avrdude commands for burning fuses to unlock pages for writing.