18 April 2007

From Organic Design wiki
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11:30pm ListCat replaced by DynamicPageList extension

I've been checking out the DynamicPageList extension because we need a good method of making selections of articles and rendering them in certain ways, like lists, or tables to replace XmlWiki's List-Cat.php and Format-Workspace.php. DPL2 was designed for use on WikiNews so is scalable and it has excellent article selection capabilities, for more details. It's already been installed here on Organic Design and is being used to render this news ;-)

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10:00pm CategoryHook extension

Another bit of XmlWiki functionality has been ported to our new standard MediaWiki environment and has been added to the MediaWiki community here. XmlWiki used to auto-categorise articles based on various aspects of their content such as whether they contain any trees, maths or security or into a language category if they're code articles. The CategoryHook extension offers a function into which such auto-categorisation rules can be added.

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3:30pm GeSHi back up and running again

I'm slowly fixing all the new problems, today I've got GeSHi ready so that code can be highlighted properly without affecting the execution. It works with the usual geshi tags like <perl> or <php>, but also has a simple method of applying syntax to whole articles by including {{php}} or {{perl}} etc. These are best added to comments so normal raw requests still retrieve a workable script.

Executable scripts can now be composed of templates or parser-functions, but must have templates=expand added to the query-string of a raw request.

I'll get Bender to go through and add the templates to the current scripts soon.

  • see GeSHi for more details