
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 10:37, 1 December 2009 by Nad (talk | contribs)

The ImportCSV job-type is a generic job for importing CSV text files into wiki articles. It consists of the Perl script to be required in /var/www/tools/wikid.conf, and the ImportCSV.php script which must be included in the wikis LocalSettings.php.

Each line in the files is a list of text fields separated by a tab character. The first line of the file is taken to be the names of the fields. Following is an example of some typical input data:

Title	FirstName	Initial	Surname
Mr.	Bob		G.	McFoo
Mrs.	Sally		H.	Barson
Mr.	Joe			Bazberg
Dr.	John			Bizman
Miss	Mary		B.	Buzby

The import procedure creates (or edits if it all ready exists) an article for each roe of the input file. For example the first row of the example input above may become an article called Mr. Bob G. McFoo and contain the following:

 | Title     = Mr.
 | FirstName = Bob
 | Initial   = G.
 | Surname   = McFoo

A few parameters need to be supplied to the ImportCSV job such as the source filename, the template to use (in this case "Person") and which fields to construct the article title from (In this case all four fields in order separated by spaces). Here is a screenshot of the form filled in to give the format shown above, note that the title format parameter can reference the columns either numerically, by name, or both.


  • Note1 If the title format parameter is left empty, the article title will be a GUID
  • Note2 multiple spaces are converted to single spaces in case any of the fields such as initial are empty
  • Note3 named field references are case-insensitive