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Revision as of 02:54, 14 March 2018 by Saul (talk | contribs) (Added some useful MongoDB commands)
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Useful Mongodb commands:

show dbs # Shows all databases
	use DBNAME # Select the database DBNAME
	show collections # show collections in the current database - collections are a bit like MySQL tables
	db.createCollection("CNAME") # creates a collection in the current database
	db.CNAME # show documents under collection CNAME - documents are a bit like MySQL rows
	db.CNAME.find({}) # return all objects under the collection CNAME
	db.CNAME.find({KEY : VALUE}) # return all objects matching the KEY : VALUE pair under the collection CNAME
	db.CNAME.find({}).pretty() # return all objects under the collection CNAME in a nicer/readable format
	db.CNAME.find({}).sort({units: 1}) # return in ascending order - change to -1 for descending
	db.CNAME.find({}).sort({name: 1}) # return in descending alphabetical order - change to -1 for ascending
	db.CNAME.find({}).limit(10) # return only the first 10 results

	db.CNAME.insert(JSON) # inserts the JSON object into the collection CNAME
	db.CNAME.update({ {KEY : VALUE}, {$set: JSON} }) # updates the document found under the collection CNAME with the matching KEY : VALUE pair with the new data - JSON
	db.CNAME.update({ {KEY : VALUE}, {$set: JSON} }, {$upsert: true}) # adds new fields in the JSON

	db.CNAME.remove({}) # remove all documents from the collection CNAME
	db.CNAME.remove({KEY : VALUE}) # remove document that has a matching KEY : VALUE pair from the collection CNAME
	{KEY : {$gt : 10}} # returns all items that have KEY value greater than 10
	{KEY : {$lt : 10}} # returns all items that have KEY value less than 10
	{KEY : { $in : ["VALUE1", "VALUE2"] }} # returns all items that have KEY equal to "VALUE1" and "VALUE2" - VALUE being of type array
	{KEY : { $or : [ {KEY: VALUE1}, {KEY: VALUE2} ] }} # returns all items that have KEY equal to VALUE1 or VALUE2