User:Saul/Realtime app

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< User:Saul
Revision as of 01:03, 19 March 2018 by Saul (talk | contribs) (Added Setup section)

This is the documentation for the stack I use for creating a real-time application. The stack consists of node.js and feathers.js for the server, the client uses: Vue, vue-router, vuex and setup using the vue webpack.


sudo npm install -g vue @feathersjs/cli # install dependencies globally
sudo vue init webpack-simple APPNAME # create a new project using the "webpack-simple" template
mkdir APPNAME/server
cd APPNAME/server
feathers generate app # generate the feathers app
mv config ../config && mv .editorconfig ../.editorconfig && mv ../index.html public/index.html # move then files to the proper dirs
rm package.json LICENSE .gitignore .npmignore .eslintrc.json package-lock.json -R test node_modules # delete the unnecessary files

See Also: