05 January 2007

From Organic Design wiki
New Nisargadatta Maharaj book available

A new book by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj is now available. The new book which was originally published by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj in 1960-61 has been translated into English and is now available for purchase online at http://www.wayofthebird.com/Books.htm.

This new book is comprised of 130 talks that were given by Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj who was Nisargadatta's guru. The contents of this book are from hand-written notes that were recorded by Nisargadatta's own hand. This book is of particular significance in that it is the actual spiritual instruction that was given to Nisargadatta from his guru that led to his realization, as well as the realization of his guru-brother, Sri Ranjit Maharaj.

See also:

