12 November 2006

From Organic Design wiki
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Long time friend of the project turns 112 today!

Kitty Dunkley is 112 cat years old today! Originally she was born in Rotorua in 1990, but moved to Devonport after having ongoing emotional trouble with her Human and Canine flatmates. She has been living in Devonport at the Secret Garden Bed & Breakfast since then.

  • User:Middleman suggests that all cats birthdays should last for a whole week since they should have seven birthdays per year.
  • Poor Kitty passed away on the 14th. Her family were with her at the vets clinic and she passed away peacfully. The moment her spirit left her body the fuse box crackled and hissed and all the lights went out which all those present believed was Kitties way of saying goodbye.