30 May 2012

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Occupy Bilderberg 2012


Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Historically, one of the biggest problems people have had with Occupy is that its aims and demands have been a little, shall we say, "diffuse". Not the case with Occupy Bilderberg. That's the nail getting hit squarely on the head. Occupy Bilderberg is keyhole activism. Picking the exact right spot and sticking the scissors in. (read more)

Statement by Occupy Bilderberg:

We are uniting activists for a PEACEFUL and organized protest as well as extensive media coverage of the Bilderberg meeting at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia from 7 AM on May 31st until 6 PM on June 3rd. Don’t forget – if you cannot attend the protest you can still help defeat the globalists by spreading the word about the Bilderberg Group and their agenda either through social networking websites or by street activism.

See also: