Automated DVD production
From Organic Design wiki
It would be nice to generate DVD discs from video files or cameras in a simple automated way.
Video specs
- mpeg2 av muxed stream
- Bit rate from 4Mb/s - 10 Mb/s
Audio specs
- mpeg1-layer2
- AC3
- Must be 48kHz sample rate
- A directory of video files numbered to indicate their order
- A DVD image file, or
- A finished DVD if the machine has a DVD writer
apt-get install debian-multimedia-keyring dvdauthor mjpegtools imagemagick toolame
High level python scripts that tie it all together - probably won't need the make file any more.
Here is the basis of a Make file that will eventually perform the whole process from file encoding to burning. It does not work at the moment, but is well documented.
DVD_IMAGE=dvd.image DESTINATION=vob/vob1.vob menu/menu.mpg: menu/background.png ../common/spumux.xml buttons.png highlight.png selected.png dd if=/dev/zero bs=4 count=1920 | toolame -b 128 -s 48 /dev/stdin menu/audio.mp2 # toolame # -b bitrate in kbps # -s audio sample rate in kHz - 48kHz for DVD audio convert menu/background.png -quality 8 menu/background.jpg jpeg2yuv -n 60 -I p -f 25 -j menu/background.jpg | mpeg2enc -n p -f 8 -o menu/background.m2v # jpeg2yuv # -n number of frames to process # -I interlacing mode p = progressive # -f frame rate # -j file name or sequence (see man) # mpeg2enc # -n norm (p|n|s) (pal|ntsc|secam) # -f format 8 = "DVD MPEG-2 for ’dvdauthor" (see man) # -o ouput filename mplex -f 9 -o menu/background.mpg menu/background.m2v menu/audio.mp2 # mplex # -f format 9 = DVD, 8 = DVD with blank blocks # -o output filename # input video # input audio spumux ../common/spumux.xml < menu_background.mpg > menu.mpg # spumux # multiplexes subtitles into existing mpeg2 stream # output menu.mpg stream pal: mencoder "$(SOURCE)" -of mpeg -vf scale=720:576,harddup -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts \ acodec=ac3:abitrate=192:vcodec=mpeg2video:keyint=150:vbitrate=5000:aspect=4/3 \ -mpegopts format=dvd -srate 48000 -ofps 25 -o "$(DESTINATION)" # mencoder # vbitrate up to 400 - 9800 for DVD - long play vs image quality (bigger number) clean: rm -rf test dvd.img vob/vob1.vob dvd-structure: pal clean dvdauthor -o test -x xml/single.xml dvd: dvd-structure mkisofs -dvd-video -o dvd.img test ntsc: mencoder "$(SOURCE)" -of mpeg -vf scale=720:480,harddup -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts \ acodec=ac3:abitrate=192:vcodec=mpeg2video:keyint=150:vbitrate=5000:aspect=4/3 \ -mpegopts format=dvd -srate 48000 -ofps 30000/1001 -o "$(DESTINATION)" # <dvdauthor> # <vmgm /> # <titleset> # <titles> # <pgc> # <vob file="video1.mpg" /> # <vob file="video2.mpg" /> # </pgc> # </titles> # </titleset> # </dvdauthor>
See also
- Video encoding
- Linux debian multimedia repository - you'll need to add this to your sources.list to get all the good video packages.
- dvdauthor
- Very good article using unix tools and makefiles to automate the process
- y4mscaler
- growisofs
- openRTSP is a video streaming server
- FFmpeg (encoding different formats) *Lame
- liba52
- movtoy4m and movtowav
- vcdxbuild and vcdxgen
- dvdauthor
- mkisofs
- liba52
- movtoy4m and movtowav (QuickTime encoding material)
- vcdxbuild and vcdxgen (S/VCD images)
- dvdauthor (DVD authorization)
- mkisofs