Change user in XML export
From Organic Design wiki
Change user in XML export Organic Design procedure |
The Usernames are specified in the <username> tag, by default an xml export usually dumps the current revision not the history of an article;
Changing username and id
perl -ne 'BEGIN{$/=undef} s/(<username>)\w+?(<\/username>\s+?<id>)\d+?(<\/id>)/${1}WikiSysop${2}1${3}/g; ; print' IN.xml > OUT.xml
Changing timestamp, username and id
The <timestamp>2008-12-03T09:01:22Z</timestamp> field is also important. If it is at the current time then imports will be recorded in the recent changes.
perl -ne 'BEGIN{$/=undef}
$time = `date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"`;
print' IN.xml > OUT.xml
The unix command to mimic mediaWikis timestamp is;
date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"