
From Organic Design wiki

AUCTeX mode for LaTeX

AUCTEX is an extensible package for writing and formatting TEX files in GNU Emacs and XEmacs. It supports many different TEX macro packages, including AMS-TEX, LATEX, Texinfo, ConTEXt, and docTEX (dtx files).

ESS mode for R

Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) is an add-on package for emacs-based text editors such as GNU Emacs and XEmacs. It is designed to support editing of scripts and interaction with various statistical analysis programs such S-Plus, R, SAS, Stata, and others. Although all users of these statistical analysis programs are welcome to apply ESS, advanced users or professionals who regularly work with text-based statistical analysis scripts, with various statistical languages/programs, or with different operating systems might benefit from it the most.

Installation on OS X

Extract the tar archive into;

tar -xvf ~/Downloads/Install ~/Downloads/Install

Make a symbolic link to the global site-lisp;

ln -s ~/Downloads/Install/ess-5.7.1/lisp/ess-site.el /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/site-lisp

Add the following to .emacs in home directory;

;; ESS mode
(require 'ess-site)

See also