From Organic Design wiki
Useful applications for software DSP
- Echo cancelling for audio conferencing, kareoke
- Use of VST plug-ins or other callback based software DSP: Robot voices, vocoder, delay, flanger.
Further research
Open source allback based software DSP. Have found these before.
- Review notes and links
Hardware sound drivers
Synchonous callback based audio server
Here are some commands that will allow you to test the audio system for correct operation.
- alsamixer - ANSI GUI to the ALSA mixer controls (VERY USEFUL)
- lsmod - lists current kernel modules and what they are used for (VERY USEFUL)
- aplay - play some sound
- amixer
- vi .asoundrc - edit the ALSA configuration file usually found in ~
- lspci - list current PCI interfaces
- alsactl store|restore - lets you save|load the current ALSA driver settings
- speaker-test - play some pink noise and cycle through available channels
- jackd - the audio server
- amsynth - emulation of an analogue synthesiser
- Debian sound configuration