
From Organic Design wiki

PHP errors

To see PHP errors, add this to the very top of LocalSettings.php:

ini_set("display_errors", 1);

Debugging PHP

The idea is to debug sections of computer code which are under executional focus, this is considerably easier in an OOP paradigm than a procedural one which uses encapsulation. The class provies certain methods and properties to the code that uses the objects, so outside code does not directly access the data structures of those objects, they do so through the interface.

Info.svg In MediaWiki there is a profiler that can be set, see MW:How to debug.

Debuggers generally use a W:Stack trace. This can be approximated by using print and die statements in sections of code. The combination of print_r and func_get_args allows you to return an array of args that a function was called with;


Casting an object of an array builds an array of the properties, mapping property names to values. e.g.

class Person {
  var $name = "Fred";
  var $age  = 35;
 $o = new Person;
 $a = (array) $o


  [name] => Fred
  [age]    => 35

Logging information to file

From Sven/Notes, Extension:Fasta.php;

# Logging to an article from within the MW environment
function logAdd($article,$msg) {
	$ts = $GLOBALS['wgLang']->timeanddate(wfTimestampNow(),true);
	$la = new Article(Title::newFromText($article));
	$la->quickEdit($la->getContent()."\n*$ts: $msg");

# Logging to a file
function logFile($file, $msg) {
	$fh = fopen($file,'a');
	$ts = $GLOBALS['wgLang']->timeanddate(wfTimestampNow(),true);
	if(is_array($msg)) $msg = print_r($msg, true);
	fwrite($fh, "\n$ts: $msg");
	# $ts = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
	# @file_put_contents($wgPayPalLog,"$ts $text\n",FILE_APPEND);



# Example:
$classes = get_declared_classes();
foreach($classes as $list) {
  print ("$list <br />");
;PHP Help doumentation
*[ get_declared_classes]
*[ get_class_methods]
*[ get_class_vars]
*[ get_parent_class]
function printArray(&$array) {
  if (isset($wgCommandLineMode)) {
    $rc = "\n";
  } else {
    $rc ="<br />";

  foreach($array as $key => $value) {
    print "array: key => $value$rc";

MediaWiki profiler

The article how to debug MediaWiki provides information on setting up the profiler by adding the globals to your LocalSettings.php file;

 * The debug log file should be not be publicly accessible if it is used, as it
 * may contain private data.  But it must be in a directory to which PHP run
 * within your Web server can write. */
$wgDebugLogFile  = '/tmp/MW_log.txt';

# Profiling / debugging
/** Enable for more detailed by-function times in debug log */
$wgProfiling    = true;
/** Only record profiling info for pages that took longer than this */
$wgProfileLimit = 0.0;
/** Don't put non-profiling info into log file */
$wgProfileOnly  = false;
/** Log sums from profiling into "profiling" table in db. */
$wgProfileToDatabase = false;
/** Only profile every n requests when profiling is turned on */
$wgProfileSampleRate = 1;
/** If true, print a raw call tree instead of per-function report */
$wgProfileCallTree = false;
/** If not empty, specifies profiler type to load */
$wgProfilerType = '';
/** Settings for UDP profiler */
$wgUDPProfilerHost = '';
$wgUDPProfilerPort = '3811';
/** Detects non-matching wfProfileIn/wfProfileOut calls */
$wgDebugProfiling = true;
/** Output debug message on every wfProfileIn/wfProfileOut */
$wgDebugFunctionEntry = 1;
/** Lots of debugging output from SquidUpdate.php */
$wgDebugSquid = false;

However if you include in an extension;

wfDebug("This is just testing the debug tracing stuff\n");

there seems to be no output in the generated log file.


        OutputPage object for HTTP response.

        User object for the user associated with the current

        Title object created from the request URL.

        Language object selected by user preferences

        Language object associated with the wiki being

        Article object corresponding to $wgTitle.

        Parser object. Parser extensions register their
        hooks here.

        A LoadBalancer object, manages database connections.

See also

PHP Documentation

MediaWiki Documentation
Online Resources