User talk:Allan

From Organic Design wiki

Email from, Gir 11:20, 24 Feb 2006 (NZDT)

How do I get started? What do you want me to put on?

Hi Allan,

Here is a start: I have forwarded your email to your talk page, so it is now on the wiki. Now I can help you format these things, just see what I have done via the history button for your talk page. This is good, we often start with simple and unstructured lists and then organise these over time. Anything you feel is appropriate can go on this site. Your pages are yours to do with whatever you want.

Take care,


I'm not sure what depth of understanding of the background workings I need to know. You will probably have to help me get some stuff on.

The main headings would be; (my interests)

                           The Ultimate Journey; transformation 

through mind renewal, preparation for dimensional travel

                           Spiritual; what is religion?, pathway (to 

the source), mind (of an immortal), getting beyond the natural senses.

                           Technical; combustion engines, compressors,  

waterpumps. Electricity, getting more with less materials.

                                      energy conservation, technology  

change to reduce infrastructure cost and improve safety.

                           philosphy; general heading, will change 

take place or is all humanity on a path to destruction?

                                      Does a cultural (and personal) 

mind set (Demon) trap or enslave and also inspire invention of devices and systems to bring own destruction? (is this me reconnecting to that mind set?) (Does the mind set seek to circumnavigate "God's" plan for Man?).

There are lots of books and information on any number of subjects but the fundamentals can be specified in short form.

My main concerns are I guess what do you want on this web site. I do not want to force a view point although I believe I have knowledge that descibes an overview and can be layered for depth of understanding. If it can be believed it is simple. I have been initiated into something way beyond just me and I believe there is a bright future but not for everyone.