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I am writing some stuff... --[[User:Sven|Sven]] 09:50, 25 Apr 2006 (NZST)
== What is Mental Programming? ==
=== How do I get started? ===
In order to effectively self-program, your mind first needs to be guided to a receptive, relaxed, absorbent state. If this is your first time using brainwave entrainment, you may want to take some time to get used to the Alpha and Theta sessions that are included on your CD.  
Try it out and make sure it is sufficiently pleasant and relaxing.
If it is not let me know and I will talk with you and provide another session.
=== There are 2 basic types of self-programming ===
1. Suggestions and Hypnotic Scripts - Using recorded suggestions, looped or played during a session while your mind is in its most receptive possible state. When the recordings fade out, the Mind Massage program will take your mind back up to a normal brainwave pattern. As it is doing this, it is good to repeat any suggestions you gave yourself and affirm that they are true.
2. Visualization and Mental Techniques - Visualization is essentially the creative use of imagination or a "lucid dreaming state. There are a number of very effective mental "tricks" you can use to program your mind.
=== Your first attempt at Mind Programming ===
During the first few days you will be getting used to the programme and to the sample suggestions that are included. This will assist you to build up confidence in the mental programming system. As you write in your journal and begin to become aware of your present state choose something about yourself that you have never been able to overcome or get past.
Choose something that you have never been able to surmount, but not something that is too hard for your first attempt. Quitting smoking can be a one or two week programming process. Changing your eating habits can also be very hard to break. For your first attempt you should not choose to reprogram a habit. You should instead re-program an imperfection; something you have possessed for a long time and have learned to live with, despite your dislike of it. Reprogramming an imperfection is a great experience and builds confidence in this technology. After confidence has been built, more challenging re-programming tasks can be completed successfully.
=== Keep At it ===
Never give up trying to Mental Program. Mental Programming is a process. It can happen all in one session or it can take weeks to fully re-program your mind, depending on environmental factors, as well as the depth of any unwanted mental barriers blocking your way. Don't give up. After some practice and a few successes, reprogramming the mind completely may only take one session. You need to build confidence in the technology and confidence in your ability to change.
== Programming Guide ==
=== The term programming in this document ===
For some this may have negative connotations. We introduce the term programming within the Mind Massage system to indicate new responses and ways of thinking that you develop. These new thoughts, responses and paradigms are conditioned from your own free will. You will develop your "script' for programming from the awareness gained from your journal writing.
The fact that programming is possible provides the capacity for profound change. Informal programming is how you have created your view of the world. Using Mind Massage© you wil become empowered to choose new responses and develop your own quality world.
This guide provides general guidelines you should follow when programming your mind. In fact, these guidelines are essential and you should review them carefully before proceeding. These apply to all forms of Self-Programming. As presented at the first session "Journaling' is used to create awareness about thought patterns and self talk. As you progress with the journal writing it will become more apparent where your opportunities for mental programming exist. The programming will be encoded on to your personal CD as a script. In this way your subconscious can be conditioned when you are in a  relaxed state.
=== Plan incremental goals ===
In order for programming to work, you have to program something that is physically possible. If you are trying to lose weight, programming for a loss of 200 pounds in a week is physically impossible, and will be doomed to failure. Instead, program for an incremental weight loss of 20 or so pounds, and make the goal a month or more. Use your best judgment when it comes to realistic programming goals. However, keep in mind that sometimes the best emotional change comes very quickly, so if you feel yourself making rapid progress in any area, don't hold back, let it develop as fast as it feels comfortable.
=== Write as if it has already happened ===
When programming, do not program for it to happen any time in the future. Program it as if you are remembering the event in the past, as if it had already happened. This may seem backwards, as if you are lying to yourself, but your subconscious mind can't tell the difference. The subconscious mind's primary mission is to confirm what you already know to be true.
For example, if you want to program yourself to eat healthy. Using Visualization and Suggestions, you could visualize yourself, in 3rd person, eating greens and loving it; smiling the entire time, and feeling completely full afterwards. While doing this, you could suggest to yourself "I eat healthy food.'
=== Program in third person ===
When visualizing, it is vital that you visualize yourself as if you were in a movie. Do not see yourself from your mind's eye; that just engages your memory, not your imagination. Imagination is the key to programming.
For suqqestions it is usually recommended that you use "You" instead of "I". So when making a suggestion you would say: "You are happy!" to yourself. Hypnotherapists advise that people do this because it plays into the social aspects of Mind Programming. If you say "I am happy" to yourself, you might consciously (or subconsciously) reject it, but if you say "YOU are happy" your mind takes the information as if it was coming from an outside source, an observation from another person, and it lets down all of its guards.
However, sometimes phrasing suggestions in the form of "You" vs "I" can be awkward. We suggest trying "You" first and then trying "I" to see if it makes any difference for you.
=== Program using more than one sensory modality ===
When visualizing or playing out events in your head, use different senses. Most people use primarily visual cues to work out an event in their minds. Programming is much stronger if you use all sensory modalities.  Feel the situation, hear everything going on around you, and imagine it as you want it to happen.
=== Ignore the problem, focus on the solution ===
This is by far the most significant part of Mind Programming, and the part many people find the hardest to put into practice. In essence, your mind is unable to process negatives at a subconscious level. By its very nature, a negative is processed at the conscious, not subconscious, level.
First, let us explain what a negative is. A negative is where you present an idea and then appends the sentence to imply the opposite of the idea. So for instance saying "I do not like smoking' is a negative. While you read it correctly, your subconscious mind will process that information as "I -- like smoking'. The reason for this is in the way your mind processes information and returns images and meaning to the conscious mind. So when you say "I do not like smoking, your mind first has to figure out what "I" and "smoking" means, it doesn't care about the "not" part. The negation is processed at higher cognitive levels.
Your subconscious mind is like a child. Try telling a child about a cookie jar and then telling the child not to take a cookie from it. You shouldn't have presented the idea in the first place! That's the way the mind works.
So, in the case of smoking, the best solution would have been to tell yourself, "I like healthy lungs'.
=== Repetition ===
Repetition is very important in Mental Programming. Your mind is used to repetition and reinforcement. Repeating the programming process as often as possible is very important. Even after succeeding in programming, occasionally reinforcing that program will be very helpful to its long-term success.
=== Keep It Simple ===
Do not to program too much at once. One programming session should focus on one program, two at the most. And while you want to be as specific possible, do not overdo it. For instance, say "I enjoy eating healthy food, like salad and fruit" instead of "I eat greens and grains, only until I am moderately full, and occasionally reward myself with dessert".
Also, try not to use big words. Your subconscious mind might understand them, but it will take more processing power to do so, which means a slower programming process. Using smaller, simple, concise words when possible is always best. Smaller words will also allow you to fit more repetitions into a single session.
=== Belief and Confidence ===
Belief and confidence play a huge role in how your mind processes information. Have you ever tried to open a door you thought was locked? It probably seemed very locked to you when you tried, but upon someone else opening it you realized that it was your belief that caused the door to be locked to you.
When you program your mind, cause yourself to believe that what you are programming is true. Make yourself believe. If you cannot believe, imagine it as vividly as you can, because imagination and belief both stimulate the same neural mechanism (the Limbic system, etc).
Confidence will increase naturally, as you have success with the Mind Massage© technology. The more success you have, the easier programming will be. Soon you will be able to completely control your brain and everything your brain controls.
=== Don't Question It, Just Let It Happen ===
The last thing you want to do after programming is continually ask yourself whether or not it worked. The best programming experiences happen after you have forgotten about programming them in the first place and then suddenly realize "wow, it worked!" If you are waiting for a mental program to kick in, relax, give it a minute and act as if it will start working soon.
=== Further Reading ===
*Using Your Brain for a Change, Richard Bandler
*Software For The Mind, Emmett E. Miller, M.D.
*NLP, The New Technology Of Achievement, The NLP Comprehensive Training Team
*The Power of Your Subconscious Mmd, Dr. Joseph Murphy, Ph.D.
*What To Say When You Talk To Yourself, Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D.
== Relaxation Guide ==
This guide is here to help you use the Mind Massage technology to its fullest advantage.
Use the below techniques while in a session. If during a session you begin to tense up, use any (or all) of the below techniques to relax again. You can also use many of these techniques during the day, if you have problems with stress, road rage, anxiety, etc.
=== Scan Your Body For Tension ===
Tension is your worst enemy in Mind Programming. No technology can alter your brainwaves while you are tense. You must relax your body completely so your mind is free to wander where it likes. To do this, turn your attention to different parts of your body in a scanning fashion, such as from your head to your toes. Focus on each part for 5 - 15 seconds, making sure it is completely relaxed before moving on to the next part. For instance you could start by relaxing the scalp, then the forehead, then the eyes, cheeks, mouth, jaw, neck and so on.
=== Eyes Closed ===
For all sessions  your eyes should be closed during the entire session. Closing the eyes eliminates about 80% of the external input an average brain receives.
=== Eye Position ===
Eye position is a great way to help bring your mind down to an open brainwave. When you look up, the visual part of your brain is stimulated. That is why many people look up when they are trying to solve a math problem, or trying to remember something visual. This is also the position of your eyes when you are in REM sleep. So, when you close your eyes turn your eyes slightly upwards. This triggers your brain to start producing massive amounts of Alpha brainwaves. For many people, the natural position of the eye (upon closing) is slightly upwards. Push your eyes up even more, but not so such that it is uncomfortable. It may take a second to get used to, but if your eyes feel uncomfortable after a period of time, just let them rest at a level you are used to.
=== Focus on the Beats ===
All sessions produce "beats," or what sounds like short, rapid pulses. Your brain's electrical response to each individual beat is what causes the shifts in brainwave pattern. Focusing your mind on the beats will cause more of your brain to process the signals, resulting in stronger entrainment.
=== Count Down ===
Counting down (in your head) from 10, 20, 50 or 100 is a great way to relax your body and help your mind focus. It is recommended to count down in this fashion:
"Ten.. I am relaxing more and more with every number I count. Nine... I am continuing to relax with every number I count. Eight... at the count of zero I am completely relaxed. Seven.., my mind and body are completely relaxed at the count of 0 and so on.
Also, visualizing the numbers is very helpful. As you think each number, visualize it floating in 3d space, spinning, glowing or reflecting light.
=== Visualize ===
Visualizing is a great way to take your mind down to where it needs to be. Visualize simple objects, like tacks. Add color to them, make them spin in 3d. Make them glow and reflect the world around them.
Think of a place where you are most relaxed (like bed)
Thinking of a place where you normally relax is a great way to fool your body (and mind) into relaxing by itself. Your bed is the most obvious choice, but maybe the couch or on a beach would suit you better.
=== Breath Through Your Abdomen ===
Breathing is directly linked to brainwaves. Breathing deeply will cause you to rapidly relax. However, there is a catch. Breathing through your chest is associated with the Fight Or Flight response, which occurs during stressful (or awkward) situations. Eliciting this response will keep you from being relaxed. Breathing from your abdomen, on the other hand, feels great and is incredibly relaxing. To know if you are breathing correctly, put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. When you breath in, the hand on your belly should rise while the hand on your chest should stay pretty much where it is.
Try to keep your breathing at a steady rate. Also, inhale at the same rate as you exhale. People have a tendency to take a long time inhaling and then exhaling really fast, or visa versa. Creating a balance between the two will help you relax and also increases the effectiveness of your Mental Programming.
=== Relax With Your Breaths ===
Take deep breaths, through your abdomen, and on each exhale relax a bit more. Relaxing on exhale is much easier if the exhale is slow and long. Relax a small amount on every exhale until the relaxation builds up and you are soon fully sedated.
=== Relax Eyelids ===
Relax your eyelids and your mind is fooled into relaxing.
Let Your Jaw Drop
Go ahead and let your jaw drop a little till it is relaxed. The jaw is a great place for your body to hide tension. Don't worry, nobody is looking, so just let it drop a little.
Relax your body as you feel it tense up
At times you may feel that certain parts of your body are tense. This is your body telling you that in order to go deeper, you must relax that part of your body. If you feel your legs, arms or any other part of your body is tense, relax it slowly and let it go.
==== Odd Side effects of relaxation ====
When you begin using this technology, you may find some side effects. They are completely normal and will eventually go away.
1) Saliva - when the body relaxes, it usually increases its saliva production. Don't worry about it, its normal. If you swallow more than normal, that is fine. Just try to relax and think of something else.
2) Twitching - when your body relaxes in an unfamiliar place (like the computer chair), it will put up some resistance in areas that you hold very tense during the day. These areas will "twitch" as you relax them. Don't worry about these twitches, they are normal and will eventually go away, especially if you learn to relax more during the day, which is a very healthy thing to do.
3) Bringing up past memories - Remembering things you haven't thought of for decades is perectly normal. Sometimes you might think of something you find undesirable and may have to restart the session. Look at it as a way to know what your subconscious needs help with. Use it as a guide to help you re-program your mind.
4) Itching - most people experience random itches the first couple times they use the Mind Massage Programme. This is completely normal. Try to ignore them. Giving in and scratching them will only cause more to surface. Take a deep breath (through your abdomen) and just ignore the itches. After the first couple times they will go away.
==== Good Side effects of relaxation ====
Daily relaxation is possibly one of the most rewarding activities that you can do for your body.
Sometimes even more rewarding than exercise.
1) Increased helpful neurochemistry such as Serotonin, which helps regulate moods (such as
2) Increased circulation and body heat. You will probably feel very warm after relaxing. This is because of increased circulation that is allowed by the lack of tension in the muscles. You may even feel heat in extremities that would be normally cold, such as your hands or feet.
3) Improvement in emotional stability
4) Increased energy
5) Improvement in memory and organized thoughts
6) Improvement in Mental Programming
=== Further Reading ===
*The Relaxation Response, Herbert Benson, M.D.
*The Relaxed Body, Daniel Goleman
*Meditations from the Tantras, Swami Satyananda Saraswati
*Awakening The Mmd, Anna Wise
*Book Of Floating, Michael Hutchison

Latest revision as of 03:29, 23 July 2011

What is Mental Programming?

How do I get started?

In order to effectively self-program, your mind first needs to be guided to a receptive, relaxed, absorbent state. If this is your first time using brainwave entrainment, you may want to take some time to get used to the Alpha and Theta sessions that are included on your CD. Try it out and make sure it is sufficiently pleasant and relaxing. If it is not let me know and I will talk with you and provide another session.

There are 2 basic types of self-programming

1. Suggestions and Hypnotic Scripts - Using recorded suggestions, looped or played during a session while your mind is in its most receptive possible state. When the recordings fade out, the Mind Massage program will take your mind back up to a normal brainwave pattern. As it is doing this, it is good to repeat any suggestions you gave yourself and affirm that they are true. 2. Visualization and Mental Techniques - Visualization is essentially the creative use of imagination or a "lucid dreaming state. There are a number of very effective mental "tricks" you can use to program your mind.

Your first attempt at Mind Programming

During the first few days you will be getting used to the programme and to the sample suggestions that are included. This will assist you to build up confidence in the mental programming system. As you write in your journal and begin to become aware of your present state choose something about yourself that you have never been able to overcome or get past. Choose something that you have never been able to surmount, but not something that is too hard for your first attempt. Quitting smoking can be a one or two week programming process. Changing your eating habits can also be very hard to break. For your first attempt you should not choose to reprogram a habit. You should instead re-program an imperfection; something you have possessed for a long time and have learned to live with, despite your dislike of it. Reprogramming an imperfection is a great experience and builds confidence in this technology. After confidence has been built, more challenging re-programming tasks can be completed successfully.

Keep At it

Never give up trying to Mental Program. Mental Programming is a process. It can happen all in one session or it can take weeks to fully re-program your mind, depending on environmental factors, as well as the depth of any unwanted mental barriers blocking your way. Don't give up. After some practice and a few successes, reprogramming the mind completely may only take one session. You need to build confidence in the technology and confidence in your ability to change.

Programming Guide

The term programming in this document

For some this may have negative connotations. We introduce the term programming within the Mind Massage system to indicate new responses and ways of thinking that you develop. These new thoughts, responses and paradigms are conditioned from your own free will. You will develop your "script' for programming from the awareness gained from your journal writing. The fact that programming is possible provides the capacity for profound change. Informal programming is how you have created your view of the world. Using Mind Massage© you wil become empowered to choose new responses and develop your own quality world. This guide provides general guidelines you should follow when programming your mind. In fact, these guidelines are essential and you should review them carefully before proceeding. These apply to all forms of Self-Programming. As presented at the first session "Journaling' is used to create awareness about thought patterns and self talk. As you progress with the journal writing it will become more apparent where your opportunities for mental programming exist. The programming will be encoded on to your personal CD as a script. In this way your subconscious can be conditioned when you are in a relaxed state.

Plan incremental goals

In order for programming to work, you have to program something that is physically possible. If you are trying to lose weight, programming for a loss of 200 pounds in a week is physically impossible, and will be doomed to failure. Instead, program for an incremental weight loss of 20 or so pounds, and make the goal a month or more. Use your best judgment when it comes to realistic programming goals. However, keep in mind that sometimes the best emotional change comes very quickly, so if you feel yourself making rapid progress in any area, don't hold back, let it develop as fast as it feels comfortable.

Write as if it has already happened

When programming, do not program for it to happen any time in the future. Program it as if you are remembering the event in the past, as if it had already happened. This may seem backwards, as if you are lying to yourself, but your subconscious mind can't tell the difference. The subconscious mind's primary mission is to confirm what you already know to be true. For example, if you want to program yourself to eat healthy. Using Visualization and Suggestions, you could visualize yourself, in 3rd person, eating greens and loving it; smiling the entire time, and feeling completely full afterwards. While doing this, you could suggest to yourself "I eat healthy food.'

Program in third person

When visualizing, it is vital that you visualize yourself as if you were in a movie. Do not see yourself from your mind's eye; that just engages your memory, not your imagination. Imagination is the key to programming. For suqqestions it is usually recommended that you use "You" instead of "I". So when making a suggestion you would say: "You are happy!" to yourself. Hypnotherapists advise that people do this because it plays into the social aspects of Mind Programming. If you say "I am happy" to yourself, you might consciously (or subconsciously) reject it, but if you say "YOU are happy" your mind takes the information as if it was coming from an outside source, an observation from another person, and it lets down all of its guards. However, sometimes phrasing suggestions in the form of "You" vs "I" can be awkward. We suggest trying "You" first and then trying "I" to see if it makes any difference for you.

Program using more than one sensory modality

When visualizing or playing out events in your head, use different senses. Most people use primarily visual cues to work out an event in their minds. Programming is much stronger if you use all sensory modalities. Feel the situation, hear everything going on around you, and imagine it as you want it to happen.

Ignore the problem, focus on the solution

This is by far the most significant part of Mind Programming, and the part many people find the hardest to put into practice. In essence, your mind is unable to process negatives at a subconscious level. By its very nature, a negative is processed at the conscious, not subconscious, level. First, let us explain what a negative is. A negative is where you present an idea and then appends the sentence to imply the opposite of the idea. So for instance saying "I do not like smoking' is a negative. While you read it correctly, your subconscious mind will process that information as "I -- like smoking'. The reason for this is in the way your mind processes information and returns images and meaning to the conscious mind. So when you say "I do not like smoking, your mind first has to figure out what "I" and "smoking" means, it doesn't care about the "not" part. The negation is processed at higher cognitive levels. Your subconscious mind is like a child. Try telling a child about a cookie jar and then telling the child not to take a cookie from it. You shouldn't have presented the idea in the first place! That's the way the mind works. So, in the case of smoking, the best solution would have been to tell yourself, "I like healthy lungs'.


Repetition is very important in Mental Programming. Your mind is used to repetition and reinforcement. Repeating the programming process as often as possible is very important. Even after succeeding in programming, occasionally reinforcing that program will be very helpful to its long-term success.

Keep It Simple

Do not to program too much at once. One programming session should focus on one program, two at the most. And while you want to be as specific possible, do not overdo it. For instance, say "I enjoy eating healthy food, like salad and fruit" instead of "I eat greens and grains, only until I am moderately full, and occasionally reward myself with dessert". Also, try not to use big words. Your subconscious mind might understand them, but it will take more processing power to do so, which means a slower programming process. Using smaller, simple, concise words when possible is always best. Smaller words will also allow you to fit more repetitions into a single session.

Belief and Confidence

Belief and confidence play a huge role in how your mind processes information. Have you ever tried to open a door you thought was locked? It probably seemed very locked to you when you tried, but upon someone else opening it you realized that it was your belief that caused the door to be locked to you. When you program your mind, cause yourself to believe that what you are programming is true. Make yourself believe. If you cannot believe, imagine it as vividly as you can, because imagination and belief both stimulate the same neural mechanism (the Limbic system, etc). Confidence will increase naturally, as you have success with the Mind Massage© technology. The more success you have, the easier programming will be. Soon you will be able to completely control your brain and everything your brain controls.

Don't Question It, Just Let It Happen

The last thing you want to do after programming is continually ask yourself whether or not it worked. The best programming experiences happen after you have forgotten about programming them in the first place and then suddenly realize "wow, it worked!" If you are waiting for a mental program to kick in, relax, give it a minute and act as if it will start working soon.

Further Reading

  • Using Your Brain for a Change, Richard Bandler
  • Software For The Mind, Emmett E. Miller, M.D.
  • NLP, The New Technology Of Achievement, The NLP Comprehensive Training Team
  • The Power of Your Subconscious Mmd, Dr. Joseph Murphy, Ph.D.
  • What To Say When You Talk To Yourself, Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D.

Relaxation Guide

This guide is here to help you use the Mind Massage technology to its fullest advantage.

Use the below techniques while in a session. If during a session you begin to tense up, use any (or all) of the below techniques to relax again. You can also use many of these techniques during the day, if you have problems with stress, road rage, anxiety, etc.

Scan Your Body For Tension

Tension is your worst enemy in Mind Programming. No technology can alter your brainwaves while you are tense. You must relax your body completely so your mind is free to wander where it likes. To do this, turn your attention to different parts of your body in a scanning fashion, such as from your head to your toes. Focus on each part for 5 - 15 seconds, making sure it is completely relaxed before moving on to the next part. For instance you could start by relaxing the scalp, then the forehead, then the eyes, cheeks, mouth, jaw, neck and so on.

Eyes Closed

For all sessions your eyes should be closed during the entire session. Closing the eyes eliminates about 80% of the external input an average brain receives.

Eye Position

Eye position is a great way to help bring your mind down to an open brainwave. When you look up, the visual part of your brain is stimulated. That is why many people look up when they are trying to solve a math problem, or trying to remember something visual. This is also the position of your eyes when you are in REM sleep. So, when you close your eyes turn your eyes slightly upwards. This triggers your brain to start producing massive amounts of Alpha brainwaves. For many people, the natural position of the eye (upon closing) is slightly upwards. Push your eyes up even more, but not so such that it is uncomfortable. It may take a second to get used to, but if your eyes feel uncomfortable after a period of time, just let them rest at a level you are used to.

Focus on the Beats

All sessions produce "beats," or what sounds like short, rapid pulses. Your brain's electrical response to each individual beat is what causes the shifts in brainwave pattern. Focusing your mind on the beats will cause more of your brain to process the signals, resulting in stronger entrainment.

Count Down

Counting down (in your head) from 10, 20, 50 or 100 is a great way to relax your body and help your mind focus. It is recommended to count down in this fashion:

"Ten.. I am relaxing more and more with every number I count. Nine... I am continuing to relax with every number I count. Eight... at the count of zero I am completely relaxed. Seven.., my mind and body are completely relaxed at the count of 0 and so on.

Also, visualizing the numbers is very helpful. As you think each number, visualize it floating in 3d space, spinning, glowing or reflecting light.


Visualizing is a great way to take your mind down to where it needs to be. Visualize simple objects, like tacks. Add color to them, make them spin in 3d. Make them glow and reflect the world around them.

Think of a place where you are most relaxed (like bed)

Thinking of a place where you normally relax is a great way to fool your body (and mind) into relaxing by itself. Your bed is the most obvious choice, but maybe the couch or on a beach would suit you better.

Breath Through Your Abdomen

Breathing is directly linked to brainwaves. Breathing deeply will cause you to rapidly relax. However, there is a catch. Breathing through your chest is associated with the Fight Or Flight response, which occurs during stressful (or awkward) situations. Eliciting this response will keep you from being relaxed. Breathing from your abdomen, on the other hand, feels great and is incredibly relaxing. To know if you are breathing correctly, put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. When you breath in, the hand on your belly should rise while the hand on your chest should stay pretty much where it is. Try to keep your breathing at a steady rate. Also, inhale at the same rate as you exhale. People have a tendency to take a long time inhaling and then exhaling really fast, or visa versa. Creating a balance between the two will help you relax and also increases the effectiveness of your Mental Programming.

Relax With Your Breaths

Take deep breaths, through your abdomen, and on each exhale relax a bit more. Relaxing on exhale is much easier if the exhale is slow and long. Relax a small amount on every exhale until the relaxation builds up and you are soon fully sedated.

Relax Eyelids

Relax your eyelids and your mind is fooled into relaxing.

Let Your Jaw Drop

Go ahead and let your jaw drop a little till it is relaxed. The jaw is a great place for your body to hide tension. Don't worry, nobody is looking, so just let it drop a little.

Relax your body as you feel it tense up

At times you may feel that certain parts of your body are tense. This is your body telling you that in order to go deeper, you must relax that part of your body. If you feel your legs, arms or any other part of your body is tense, relax it slowly and let it go.

Odd Side effects of relaxation

When you begin using this technology, you may find some side effects. They are completely normal and will eventually go away.

1) Saliva - when the body relaxes, it usually increases its saliva production. Don't worry about it, its normal. If you swallow more than normal, that is fine. Just try to relax and think of something else.

2) Twitching - when your body relaxes in an unfamiliar place (like the computer chair), it will put up some resistance in areas that you hold very tense during the day. These areas will "twitch" as you relax them. Don't worry about these twitches, they are normal and will eventually go away, especially if you learn to relax more during the day, which is a very healthy thing to do.

3) Bringing up past memories - Remembering things you haven't thought of for decades is perectly normal. Sometimes you might think of something you find undesirable and may have to restart the session. Look at it as a way to know what your subconscious needs help with. Use it as a guide to help you re-program your mind.

4) Itching - most people experience random itches the first couple times they use the Mind Massage Programme. This is completely normal. Try to ignore them. Giving in and scratching them will only cause more to surface. Take a deep breath (through your abdomen) and just ignore the itches. After the first couple times they will go away.

Good Side effects of relaxation

Daily relaxation is possibly one of the most rewarding activities that you can do for your body.

Sometimes even more rewarding than exercise.

1) Increased helpful neurochemistry such as Serotonin, which helps regulate moods (such as happiness).

2) Increased circulation and body heat. You will probably feel very warm after relaxing. This is because of increased circulation that is allowed by the lack of tension in the muscles. You may even feel heat in extremities that would be normally cold, such as your hands or feet.

3) Improvement in emotional stability

4) Increased energy

5) Improvement in memory and organized thoughts

6) Improvement in Mental Programming

Further Reading

  • The Relaxation Response, Herbert Benson, M.D.
  • The Relaxed Body, Daniel Goleman
  • Meditations from the Tantras, Swami Satyananda Saraswati
  • Awakening The Mmd, Anna Wise
  • Book Of Floating, Michael Hutchison