Difference between revisions of "Transform-changes.php"

From Organic Design wiki
(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
$tmp = $article;
$tmp = $article;
# Merge local changes with changes from other specified MediaWikis
# Merge local changes with changes from other specified MediaWikis
Line 147: Line 148:
else $article = preg_replace( "/<h4>[0-9]+ [a-z]+ [0-9]+<\\/h4>\\s*<ul class=\"special\">.+(?=<div class=\"printfooter\">)/ise", '"<br>".renderChanges($changes)',$article);
else $article = preg_replace( "/<h4>[0-9]+ [a-z]+ [0-9]+<\\/h4>\\s*<ul class=\"special\">.+(?=<div class=\"printfooter\">)/ise", '"<br>".renderChanges($changes)',$article);
if  ($article == '') {xwMessage("Hi transform-changes.php here! I was about to return you an empty page and I know that's not right, so please check the source to see why I can't match the content."); $article = $tmp; }
# Remove space-wasting text and change title
# Remove space-wasting text and change title
if ($title == 'Special:Recentchanges') {
if ($title == 'Special:Recentchanges') {
#$article = preg_replace('/(?<=<h1 class="firstHeading">).+(?=<\\/h1>)/', 'Recent changes (see also <a href="/news">news</a>)', $article);
#$article = preg_replace('/(?<=<h1 class="firstHeading">).+(?=<\\/h1>)/', 'Recent changes (see also <a href="/news">news</a>)', $article);
$article = preg_replace("/<p>Track the most recent changes.+(Below are the last)/s",'$1',$article);
#$article = preg_replace("/<p>Track the most recent changes.+(Below are the last)/s","$1",$article);
# Add show/hide-external link
# Add show/hide-external link
Line 165: Line 164:
$article = preg_replace('/(?<=<h1 class="firstHeading">).+(?=<\\/h1>)/', "<a href=\"/user:$user\">$user</a>'s contributions", $article);
$article = preg_replace('/(?<=<h1 class="firstHeading">).+(?=<\\/h1>)/', "<a href=\"/user:$user\">$user</a>'s contributions", $article);

Latest revision as of 04:30, 25 December 2007

Legacy.svg Legacy: This article describes a concept that has been superseded in the course of ongoing development on the Organic Design wiki. Please do not develop this any further or base work on this concept, this is only useful for a historic record of work done. You may find a link to the currently used concept or function in this article, if not you can contact the author to find out what has taken the place of this legacy item.

<php><? $tmp = $article;

  1. Merge local changes with changes from other specified MediaWikis

# Extract changes from a page into an array ready for rendering in a table function extractChanges(&$changes, &$page, $wd = array()) { global $xwIsAdmin, $xwUserGroups; list($wiki, $url, $tz) = $wd;

# Change exraction rules (for supporting TWiki and MoinMoin later) $cr = "/^\\((.*?(diff|log|undo)(<\\/a>)?)\\)(.+?\\((.+?<\\/a>)\\))?( \\. \\.\\s+(.*?)\\s*(()?\\s*<a.+?<\\/a>(<\\/strong>)?))?.*?; ([0-9]+:[0-9]+) \\. \\. (<a.+?<\\/a>).+?(<a.+?<\\/a>)(.+?\\((.+)\\))?/";

$pr = "/

([0-9]+ [a-z]+ [0-9]+)<\\/h4>\\s*
    (.+?)<\\/ul>/is"; # Used to make urls from other wiki's absolute if ($url) { $url = parse_url($url); $url = $url['scheme'].'://'.$url['host']; } $tr = 999; # patch to stop same time keys overwriting # First split the page by day sections preg_match_all($pr, $page, $m1, PREG_SET_ORDER); # Loop through changes in each day extracting relevent info into $changes array $first = 0; foreach ($m1 as $day) { preg_match_all("/
  • (.+?)<\\/li>/", $day[2], $m2); foreach ($m2[1] as $change) { $change = str_replace('href="', "href=\"$url", $change); if (preg_match($cr, $change, $m3)) { list(,$diff,,,,$hist,,$flags,$title,,,$time,$user,$talk,,$comment) = $m3; ereg('>.+</a>', $user, $uname); $user = ereg_replace($uname[0], str_replace(' ',' ',$uname[0]), $user); $comment = preg_replace("/\\[(http[^ \\]]+)\\]/","<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>",$comment); $comment = preg_replace("/\\[(http[^ \\]]+)\\s+(.+?)\\]/","<a href=\"$1\">$2</a>",$comment); # Get read-perms for article if ( (!$readable = $xwIsAdmin) && ereg('>(.+)</a>', $title, $anchor) ) { $readable = xwGetListByTagname( xwArticleProperties($anchor[1]), 'read' ) + array('anyone'); $readable = count( array_intersect( $readable, $xwUserGroups ) ); } # Store the change if readable by current user if ( $readable ) $changes[$first = (strtotime("$day[1] $time")+$tz*3600).'.00'.$tr--] = array($wd,$diff,$hist,$flags,$title,$user,$talk,$comment); } else xwMessage( "Couldn't match change: $change", 'red' ); } } # Remove all changes before the first extracted time (otherwise a large list of externals trails) foreach ($changes as $k => $v) if ($k < $first) unset($changes[$k]); return $changes; } # Render changes into said table function renderChanges( &$changes ) { global $wgArticlePath; $head = ; foreach ( array( 'Date', 'Wiki', 'Article', 'Edit summary', 'Account', , ) as $k => $v ) $head .= "<a href=\"/Talk:Special:Recentchanges\">$v</a>\n"; $html = "
    \n"; $date = ; $td = '' : '';

    $html .= str_replace(">Date", ">$d", $head); $date = $d; $bg = 1; }; $bgtag = ++$bg % 2 ? 'bg1' : 'bg2'; if ($wt = $c[0][0]) $wiki = "<a href=\"".$c[0][1]."\" style=\"color:#009900;\">$wt</a>"; else $wiki = ;

    $html .= "\n$td$time$td$wiki"; if (!$c[2]) { list($diff,$hist) = explode(' ',$c[1]); preg_match("/(<a.+?<\\/a>)/",$c[7],$m); $c[4] = $m[1]; } else list(,$diff,$hist) = $c; if ($diff == 'diff') $diff = ; if (ereg('^href',$hist)) { $diff = "<a $hist>log</a>"; $hist = ; } if (ereg('target=([^&]+)',$diff,$to)) $c[7] = "moved to <a href=\"".str_replace('$1',$to[1],$wgArticlePath)."\">".str_replace('_',' ',$to[1]); if ($c[3]) $c[7] = "($c[3]) $c[7]"; if (preg_match('/(.+>)(.{15}).+?(<.+)/',$c[5],$m)) $c[5] = "$m[1]$m[2]…$m[3]"; $html .= "$td$c[4]

    ksort($changes); foreach (array_reverse( $changes, SORT_STRING) as $t => $c) { $time = strftime('%H:%M', $t); if ($date != ($d = strftime('%d %b',$t))) {

    $html .= $date ? '

    $html .= "$td$c[5]$td$diff$td$hist"; }

    return "$html\n


    if ($_REQUEST['hideexternal'] != 1) {

    1. Get items in global changes-cache

    $changes = array(); $tr = 999; foreach (array($GLOBALS['IP'].'/Global.changes', $GLOBALS['IP'].'/'.$GLOBALS['xwUserName'].'.changes') as $cache) if (file_exists($cache)) foreach (file($cache) as $change) { $change = split("\\|",trim($change)); $change[2] = split(',',$change[2]); $change[2][0] = str_replace('Energy Alternatives','EA',$change[2][0]); $change[2][0] = str_replace('Azzuro Workgroup','AWG',$change[2][0]); $change[2][0] = str_replace('JewelWiki','JW',$change[2][0]); $change[2][0] = str_replace('GeeXboX wiki','GeeXboX',$change[2][0]); $change[2][0] = str_replace('Organic Design','OD',$change[2][0]); $change[2][0] = str_replace('OrganicDesign','Closet',$change[2][0]); $change[2][0] = str_replace('SourceryForge','✿',$change[2][0]); $change[6] = preg_replace("/\\w+:\\w+@/","",$change[6]); $changes[(strtotime(array_shift($change))+3600*intval(array_shift($change))).'.00'.$tr--] = $change; } }

    1. Get the list of wikis for which changes are merged

    $wikis = array();

    1. if (!$wl = xwArticleContent($GLOBALS['xwUserName'].'/wiki.list',false)) $wl = xwArticleContent("$tTitle/wiki.list",false);
    2. if (preg_match_all("/^\\*.*?\"(.*?)\".*?\"(.*?)\".*?\"(.*?)\".*?\"(.*?)\"/m",$wl,$wikis,PREG_SET_ORDER))
    3. for ($i = 0; $i < count($wikis); $i++) array_shift($wikis[$i]);
    1. Merge each wikis changes into local table
    2. - connect with socket so we can bail after a small timeout

    if (!$qs = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) $qs = "title=Special:Recentchanges"; # same QS for remote requests $changes = array(); foreach ($wikis as $wd) {

       $url = parse_url($wd[1]);
       $domain = $url['host'];
       $scheme = $url['scheme'];
       $port = $scheme == 'http'?80:443;
       $request = $url['path']."?$qs&xpath://view:=&printable=yes";
       if (0 && $handle = @fsockopen($domain,$port,$errno,$err,1)) {
           } else xwMessage("Failed to merge changes from $scheme://$domain",'red');
    1. Merge the local changes


    1. Render all changes

    if ($swf = $_REQUEST['SWF']) { $i = -1; $html = ; ksort($changes); foreach (array_reverse($changes,SORT_STRING) as $t => $c) { $time = strftime('%H:%M', $t); if ($wt = $c[0][0]) { $key = "<a href=\"".$c[0][1]."\">$wt:</a>"; $col = '#009900'; } else { $key = $c[5]; $col = '#000080'; } if (!ereg('m',$c[3])) if ($i++<9) $html .= ($i?'&':).str_replace('&','%26',"item$i=$t,$time,$key,$c[4],$col,$c[7]"); } ob_end_clean(); header('Content-type: application/x-www-urlform-encoded'); print $html; if ($_REQUEST['INFO']) print '&user='.$GLOBALS['xwUserName']; die; }

    else $article = preg_replace( "/

    [0-9]+ [a-z]+ [0-9]+<\\/h4>\\s*
      )/ise", '"
      1. Remove space-wasting text and change title

      if ($title == 'Special:Recentchanges') {

      #$article = preg_replace('/(?<=

      ).+(?=<\\/h1>)/', 'Recent changes (see also <a href="/news">news</a>)', $article); #$article = preg_replace("/

      Track the most recent changes.+(Below are the last)/s","$1",$article); # Add show/hide-external link $link = $_REQUEST['hideexternal'] ? '&hideexternal=0' : '&hideexternal=1'; $anchor = $_REQUEST['hideexternal'] ? 'show' : 'hide'; if (preg_match('/my edits\\s*<br/',$article)) $anchor = ucwords($anchor); $article = preg_replace('/( patrolled edits\\s*)|( my edits\\s*)(?=<br)/i',"$1$2 | <a href=\"$script?title=$title$link\">$anchor</a> external changes",$article); } else if ($title == 'Special:Contributions') { $user = str_replace('User:',,$_REQUEST['target']); $article = preg_replace('/(?<=

      ).+(?=<\\/h1>)/', "<a href=\"/user:$user\">$user</a>'s contributions", $article); } ?></php>