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# - Licenced under LGPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html){{perl}}{{Category:OD2}}
# - Author: http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/nad
# - Started: 2007-08-25
$user = 'dbuser';
$pwd  = 'dbpasswd';
$tmp  = '/tmp/replicate-db';
# Display usage info and die if too few or no parameters supplied
die "
Replicate a mediawiki SQL database dump to many databases and prefixes.
replicate-db TEMPLATE DB1.PREFIX1 [DB2.]PREFIX2 [DB3.]PREFIX3...
TEMPLATE is the name of the SQL dump file to use as the template.
DB*.PREFIX* are the databases to replicate the template into and the table prefixes to use (prefixes are mandatory).
- The database dump being used as a template should only contain one wiki.
- It should not include create or drop database statements.
- The destination databases must already exist
- The destination tables will be replaced if they exist
- The DB part is optional for all but the first and means to continue using the previous database.
" unless $#ARGV > 0 and $ARGV[1] =~ /^\w+\.\w+$/;
# Read in the template file
$file = shift @ARGV;
if (open FH,'<',$file) { sysread FH,$template,-s $file; close FH; }
else { die "
Could not read template file '$file'
" }
# Find the prefix (if any) being used in the template and prepare for use in replacement regexp
die "
The template file supplied is not a valid wiki dump
" unless $template =~ /^CREATE TABLE `(\w*)recentchanges`/m;
$prefix = qr($1);
# Main replication loop
for (@$ARGV) {
# Determine the database and prefix to replicate template into
if (/^(\w+)\.(\w+)$/) { ($db,$pre) = ($1,$2) } else { $pre = $_ }
$pre .= '_' unless $pre =~ /_$/;
# Make a duplicate of the template modified to the current prefix
$data = $template;
$data =~ s/$prefix/$pre/g;
# Write the duplicate into a tmp file
if (open FH,'>',$tmp) { print FH $data; close FH }
else { print "Could not write data for wiki $db.$pre to '$tmp'\n" }
# Pipe the file into MySQL and remove the tmp file
qx(mysql -u $user -p $pwd < $tmp);
if ($!) { print "Error creating wiki $db.$pre: $!\n" }
else    { print "Wiki $db.$pre created.\n" }
unlink $tmp;

Latest revision as of 05:02, 30 May 2009

Info.svg This code is in our Git repository here.

Note: If there is no information in this page about this code and it's a MediaWiki extension, there may be something at mediawiki.org.