Difference between revisions of "Nodal-hash.pl"

From Organic Design wiki
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#print "$$_\n" for keys %root;
#print "$$_\n" for keys %root;
[[Catgeory:Nodal Concepts]]

Latest revision as of 02:38, 23 April 2020

Legacy.svg Legacy: This article describes a concept that has been superseded in the course of ongoing development on the Organic Design wiki. Please do not develop this any further or base work on this concept, this is only useful for a historic record of work done. You may find a link to the currently used concept or function in this article, if not you can contact the author to find out what has taken the place of this legacy item.

# The main peerd script could load the space, then insert a peer-init sequence
# - INIT does servicate/daemonise, config, server... even peer-ctl
# - thats how the nodal core becomes the guts of peerd
# - ROOT contains the main "daemons": CRON, serverIterate, POP etc

# WE still need our own tie (not Tie:RefHash) because our structure contains SUBJECT,OBJECT,CONTENT

use Carp;
use Scalar::Util qw( refaddr );
use strict;

# Constants used internally by tied-array
use constant SUBJECT	=> 0;
use constant CONTENT	=> 1;
use constant OBJECT		=> 2;

# Nodes needed for nodal operation
use constant ROOT		=> 0;
use constant GUID		=> 1;
use constant NAME		=> 2;
use constant CODE		=> 3;
use constant LANG		=> 4;
use constant PERL		=> 5;
use constant PEER		=> 6;
use constant FILE		=> 7;
use constant TEXT		=> 8;
use constant NODE		=> 9;
use constant INIT		=> 10;
use constant ONCREATE	=> 11;
use constant ONDELETE	=> 12;
use constant ONCHANGE	=> 13;
use constant ONREAD		=> 14;
use constant ONSHIFT	=> 15;
use constant ONPUSH		=> 16;
use constant ONEXTEND	=> 17;

# Space used internally by NodalHash and its functions
our %data = ();

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

package NodalHash;

	my $class = shift;
	my $this = [];
	bless $this, $class;
	$this->STORE(shift, shift) while @_;
	return $this;

sub FETCH {
	my ( $this, $key ) = @_;
	if ( ref $key ) { defined $$this[0]{$key} ? $$this[0]{$key}[1] : undef }
	else { $$this[1]{$key} }

sub STORE {
	my ( $this, $key, $val ) = @_;
	if ( ref $val eq 'HASH' and not tied %$val ) {
		my @elems = %$val;
		tie %$val, ref $this, @elems;
	ref $key ? $$this[0]{$key} = [ $key, $val ] : $$this[1]{$key} = $val;

sub DELETE {
	my( $this, $key ) = @_;
	ref $key
		? ( delete( $$this[0]{$key} ) || [])->[1]
		: delete( $this->[1]{$key} );

sub EXISTS {
	my ( $this, $key ) = @_;
	ref $key ? exists( $$this[0]{$key} ) : exists( $$this[1]{$key} );

	my $this = shift;
	keys %{ $$this[0] };	# reset iterator
	keys %{ $$this[1] };	# reset iterator
	$$this[2] = 0;			# flag for iteration, see NEXTKEY

	my $this = shift;
	my ( $key, $val );
	if ( !$$this[2] ) { return $$val[0] if ( $key, $val ) = each %{ $$this[0] } }
	else { $$this[2] = 1 }
	return each %{ $$this[1] };

sub CLEAR {
	my $this = shift;
	$this->[2] = 0;
	%{ $this->[0] } = ();
	%{ $this->[1] } = ();

sub shift {
	# Reduce from %root

sub push {
sub save {
sub load {

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
package main;

my $y = tie my %root, 'NodalHash';

#my $y = \%root;
my $x = \ "hello";

$root{$x} = 'world';


#print "$$_\n" for keys %root;