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From Organic Design wiki
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I've just moved to the Amazon in Brazil. I suffer from anemic bandwidth, so currently I am a bit handicapped.
==To Do==
===How to do graphs and charts in wiki===
* SSL Certificate of organicdesign is invalid, scaring people off...
* what extensions exist?
:{{to do|task=find out who is responsible for fixing this}}
::I'm responsible for that, SSL is only intended for private users not public so paying for some corporate trust is a waste in that case. You're being redirected to SSL now because I made you a sysop a few days ago. You can add an exception so it doesn't keep raising warnings. --[[User:Nad|nad]] 13:05, 17 September 2010 (NZST)
*http://graphtheoryinlatex.blogspot.com/ & http://graphtheoryinlatex.wordpress.com/
:It doesn't really bother me at all, but some of my friends go to the site; they don't even have accounts. Perhaps i'm copying to them the url with the https: instead of http: - that must be it. Additionally, FYI for me at least, neither Firefox or Chrome want to remember the exception I keep adding.
===multilingual wiki===
start brainstorming about best structure for multilingual wiki
*sisterwiki structure:  
**en.host.com/wiki/page <-> pt.wiki.host.com/wiki/page
**one-to-one correspondence among languages via subdomains
::- requires administrator to create subdomain
::+ symmetric and non-biased
::+ subpage organization permitted
::+ categories, templates, properties can be differentiated and translated
::- categories, templates, properties must be duplicated, making administration potentially chaotic
*subpage structure:
**single domain using subpages: host.com/wiki/page <-> host.com/wiki/page/pt
**dominated by English hub as default
::+ does not require administrator to create language subdomains
::- ugly structure with one language at top of hierarchy
::- subpage organization not permitted
::+ categories, templates, properties are unified into a single hierarchy
::- categories, templates, properties become complicated to render in multiple languages, require alternate renderings and additional complexity, possibly many redirects that could introduce chaos into the wiki
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* Or use Osirus?
* Or use Osirus?
* Or what is the status of Diaspora?
* Or what is the status of Diaspora?
===best practices: user page, user talk===
My user/talk pages are becoming disorganized and lack direction or standardization. What's the best practice for these pages? seems to me:
* user page (my page): what I have to say about myself and what I'm doing
* user talk: discussions and interactions between myself and other users.
any comments?
:[[The Sovereign Individual]] book covers a lot of the foundations of the change to come, my interpretation is that this is about the days of centralisation coming to an end and the new distributed bottom-up paradigm coming about... One of the biggest breakthrough's for this new paradigm to really take off is that we need a secure p2p payment system which is an open standard. There's some notes on that at [[Currency]] and some at [[Human Ecology]] --[[User:Nad|nad]] 00:58, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
====dimensionality of spacetime====
[[Dimensionality of space:time]]
Observations that support the notion that spacetime in nature does not exceed 3 orthogonal dimensions
[[category:Articles containing maths]]
=====[http://www.lomont.org/Math/GeometricAlgebra/NFMPchapt1%20-%20Hestenes%20-%201998.pdf NFCM (New Foundations for Classical Mechanics) summary - David Hestenes] Ch. 1 =====
* P. 3 reciprocal identity of k-blade and k-vector only holds for <math>\mathcal{G}_n, n \leq 3</math>
:"The completely antisymmetrized product of k vectors <math> a_1, a_2 \ldots a_k </math> generates a new entity <math> a_1 \wedge a_2 \wedge \ldots \wedge a_k </math> called a k-blade. The integer k is called the step (or grade of the blade.* A linear combination of blades with the same step is called a k-vector. Therefore, every k-blade is a k-vector. ''The converse that every k-vector is a k-blade holds only in the geometric algebras <math>\mathcal{G}_n</math> with <math>n \leq 3</math>.''" (Italics, mine)
* P. 8 Special and unique properties of ''i'' in 3-space, as unit pseudoscalar, as dual, as inverse space
: "The properties of geometric algebra which are peculiar to the three-dimensional case are summarized in this section. They all derive from special properties of the pseudoscalar and duality in <math>\mathcal{G}_3</math>.
:"The unit pseudoscalar for <math>\mathcal{G}_3</math> is so important that the special symbol <math>i</math> is reserved to denote it. This symbol is particularly apt because <math>i</math> has the algebraic properties of a conventional unit imaginary. Thus, it satisfies the equations
:(2.1) <math>i^2 = -1 </math>
:(2.2) <math>i\mathbf{a} = \mathbf{a}i  </math>
:for any vector <math>\mathbf{a}</math>. According to (2.2), the ''imaginary number'' <math>i</math> commutes with vectors, just like the real numbers (scalars). It follows that <math>i</math> commutes with every multivector in <math>\mathcal{G}_3</math>.
:The algebraic properties (2.1) and (2.2) allow us to treat <math>i</math> as if it were an imaginary scalar, but <math>i</math> has other properties deriving from the fact that it is the unit pseudoscalar. In particular, <math>i</math> relates scalars and vectors in  <math>\mathcal{G}_3</math> to bivectors and pseudoscalars by duality."
:(2:4) <math>A = \alpha + \mathbf{a} + i\mathbf{b} + i\beta</math>
:"This shows that <math>A</math> has the formal algebraic structure of a ''complex scalar'' <math>\alpha + i\beta</math> added to a complex vector <math>\mathbf{a} + i\mathbf{b}</math>. The algebraic advantages of the "complex expanded form" (2.4) are such that we shall use the form often."
{{to do|task=fix maths formula numbering without using tables}}{{to do|task=fix maths formula size inconsistencies}}
'''What this means to me'''
The discoveries in [[Geometric Algebra|GA]] indicate that 3-space has logical properties and geometric interpretations that:
*seem to place special emphasis on the validity of 3-space as more 'natural' than higher n-spaces, since special identities in 3-space do not hold in higher spaces.
*the special geometric interpretation and operational function of the imaginary unit <math>i</math> is reminiscent of its function in quaternion rotations. the analogy in GA is that it transforms vector objects, scalars, and pseudoscalars (spaces) into their duality complement. but this rotation is not in a hyperspace, but rather in an involute space (or inverse space). this says something about the nature of involute spaces - the transformation of a 3-space into an (apparent) scalar and the inverse transformation. this is analogous to the reciprocal geometry in [[RST]].
=====Bott periodicity=====
{{to do|task=find reference}}
=====[http://homepage.mac.com/ardeshir/AllMyFiles.html Ardeshir Mehta]=====
* [http://homepage.mac.com/ardeshir/Relativity.html The ABZ of Relativity]
* [http://www.scribd.com/doc/23153455/Essay-on-Geometry Essay on Geometry] on the impossibility of n>3 orthogonal directions, n>3 space, non-euclidean geometry (in nature) {{to do|task=find page reference}}
:''to critically examine and ... refute the logical validity of a large part of what is commonly understood to be “geometry” — especially much of what passes for non-Euclidean geometry, as well as the so-called “geometry” used in the Theory of Relativity.''
# POSITION MUST BE IMMOVABLE ...  It is clear, of course, that position is a relative concept: a position is only one which is relative to someother position. No position exists by itself. No space can have just one position! So there must be some position in our space which we can start with. It can be chosen quite arbitrarily, of course, but this arbitrarily chosen position must exist to begin with. In simpler words, we must have a “here” before we can have a “there”. And we must in addition assume that “here” is immovable. If “here” were to move, then “there” would move too, and then there would be points moving all over the imagined space in which geometry unfolds. Then no two points would be able to define any given straight line, for the line itself would change from moment to moment!
====Correlations betweeen [[The two domains]] & [[RST]]====
I found [[User:Jack| Jack's]] / [[User:Nad| Nad's]] article on [[The two domains]] and the [[Talk:The two domains |discussion thereof]] concerning the dichotomy of the Nodal model, as well as the notion of Fourier transform relating the space and time domains as inverses, intriguing. I see parallels to the concepts espoused in Dewey Larson's [[Reciprocal system of theory]] (RST).
* the nodal tree is a perfect example of a discrete space that has properties of a continuum, that is, "division" into the infinitesimal = multiplication into perpetuity.
* It's a fractal space.
* the fractions don't carry the ordinary sense of "not integer" they have some characteristics of integers but in an inverse space.
* Can this space be ''represented'' as three dimensional? Yes. Each tree level is a ring-shaped address space, thus it is a series of expanding rings, or a binary cone.
* can it be represented as a star-tetrahedral geometry? Dunno. Let me smoke something and get back to this.
*if a fractal space is infinite, how can the tree have a root node? Symmetry! The singularity nexus between inverse space aspects - each infinite to the other infinitesimal. And vice - versa - timespace and spacetime.
:The root is the equivalent of the undivided whole or source energy of creation, finite and infinite are concepts that exist only from the perspective of inside the created space-time and is potentially infinitely small and large, but the node-tree is what brings that space-time about and starts at 1 the unified whole. --[[User:Nad|nad]] 13:29, 17 September 2010 (NZST)
::Also, the nodal model is actually a real-life executional model rather than a theoretical model and so exists in the finite context of a computational enviornment. --[[User:Nad|nad]] 13:31, 17 September 2010 (NZST)
{{to do|task=expound}}...
====Both 3-space and 3-time exist (David Wilcock)====
* David says 3+1 and 1+3 both exist. Note similarity:
RST universe of motion shows motion to have two inversely-related, but isomorphic aspects. Expressed in terms of GA, 3-space is pseudoscalar whereas 3-time is only observable from our material frame of reference as a scalar. This is because it is transformed from 3-time + 1-space domain into a virtual space (analog of imaginary space) by observations from our "physical" domain.
The transformation is via the nexus between the two domains, i.e. singularity. 1-space or 1-time is only apparently 1-D because it is transformed into scalar.
[[Correlations between The Two Domains and RST]]
In GA,  the imaginary number <math>i</math> has an operational function of duality. - transform a pseudoscalar 3-space into a scalar virtual space and v. versa.
[[Both 3-space and 3-time exist]]

Latest revision as of 14:54, 9 December 2011

How to do graphs and charts in wiki


  • Need a place to host SMW+ - preferably in the southern hemisphere South America (aside from poor bandwidth in northern Brazil, latency to NZ is a problem).
  • Or use Osirus?
  • Or what is the status of Diaspora?


Dimensionality of space:time

Correlations between The Two Domains and RST

Both 3-space and 3-time exist