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From Organic Design wiki
(Daily: Before It's News | The Intel Hub - trade secrets!)
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[[Lew Rockwell]]
*[[Lew Rockwell]]
*[http://beforeitsnews.com/ Before It's News]
*[http://theintelhub.com/ The Intel Hub]

Revision as of 21:35, 28 April 2011



  • Futurologist
I am very keen to get to the bottom of what 2012 is all about. So far, I see the matter about the same way as Graham Hancock; it seems to me that the essence of 2012 is that we had all better get our shit together and start cooperating and collaborating - and stop slaving or whoring for sociopathic, criminal megalomaniacs. I see more and more people starting to ascend into that new reality.
  • Metaphysics is the new physics
Student and proponent of

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Rap News with Robert Foster

Jeremy Sagan (son of Carl)

Categories that ought to be

Category:Mind control and Psy ops