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                   __~~;#~~                                $';$;;
                   __~~;#~~                                $';$;;

Revision as of 20:37, 16 April 2015

Smirch by Jasvir Nagra rewrites your Perl program using only non alphanumeric characters BUT it does not depend on any external module! That's right - complete perl without numbers or letters.

After you have Smirched a program, the program continues to work as before except now it is absolutely unreadable as the module removes all sightly characters from your source file.

The Smirched program has to sit in a file of its own - you cannot run a smirched program by piping it to perl.

You can now reform your source to look like this :-)

                                         $;||$.| $|;$_
             ='*$ (                  ^@(%_+&~~;# ~~/.~~
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