Difference between revisions of "Extension:Treeview3.php"

From Organic Design wiki
m (Extension:Treeview.php moved to Extension:Treeview3.php: consistency with Treeview4, Treeview5)
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[[Category:Legacy Extensions|Treeview]]

Revision as of 10:41, 22 May 2008

Legacy.svg Legacy: This article describes a concept that has been superseded in the course of ongoing development on the Organic Design wiki. Please do not develop this any further or base work on this concept, this is only useful for a historic record of work done. You may find a link to the currently used concept or function in this article, if not you can contact the author to find out what has taken the place of this legacy item.


  1. MediaWiki Treeview Extension
  2. - See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Tree_view for installation and usage details
  3. - Licenced under LGPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)
  4. - Author: http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/nad

if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) die('Not an entry point.');

define('TREEVIEW_VERSION','3.6.2, 2007-09-02');

  1. Set any unset images to default titles

if (!is_array($wgTreeViewImages)) $wgTreeViewImages = array(); if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['plus'])) $wgTreeViewImages['plus'] = 'Plus.gif'; if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['minus'])) $wgTreeViewImages['minus'] = 'Minus.gif'; if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['opened'])) $wgTreeViewImages['opened'] = 'Folder_opn_sml_yel.gif'; if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['closed'])) $wgTreeViewImages['closed'] = 'Folder_sml_yel.gif'; if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['doc'])) $wgTreeViewImages['doc'] = 'Doc-icon.gif'; if (!isset($wgTreeViewImages['spacer'])) $wgTreeViewImages['spacer'] = 'Blank.gif';

  1. Keep track of JavaScript added to page to avoid doubleups

if (!isset($wgJS)) $wgJS = array();

$wgTreeViewMagic = "tree"; # the parser-function name for trees $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfSetupTreeView'; $wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = 'wfTreeViewLanguageGetMagic';

$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array( 'name' => 'Treeview', 'author' => 'User:Nad', 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Treeview', 'description' => 'Allows dynamic tree-views to be made with bullet-list syntax', 'version' => TREEVIEW_VERSION );

class TreeView {

var $version = TREEVIEW_VERSION; var $width = 16; var $token = '@@@'; var $id = 1; var $js = 0; var $info; var $args;

# Constructor function TreeView($magic) { global $wgParser,$wgHooks,$wgTreeViewImages; $this->info = array(); $this->args = array();

# Set hooks $wgParser->setFunctionHook($magic,array($this,'Tree')); $wgParser->setHook('TreeViewRowStart',array($this,'RowStart')); $wgParser->setHook('TreeViewRowEnd',array($this,'RowEnd'));

# Convert image titles to file paths and obtain pixel width of items foreach ($wgTreeViewImages as $k => $v) { $title = Title::newFromText($v,NS_IMAGE); $image = Image::newFromTitle($title); if ($image && $image->exists()) { $wgTreeViewImages[$k] = $image->getURL(); if ($k == 'plus') $this->width = $image->getWidth(); } }

# Obtain the width of tree items (use 16px as default if unobtainable)


# Restructure recursive trees to single root trees surrounded by $magic tags function Tree(&$parser) { $args = array(); foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) if (!is_object($arg)) { if (preg_match('/^(.+?)=(.+)$/',$arg,$match)) $args[$match[1]] = $match[2]; else $args[] = $arg; } $text = $args[0]; $tree = ; $token = $this->token; $ver = $this->version; $id = uniqid(); if (count($parser->mTemplatePath)) $tree = "*O$token\n$text\n*C$token"; elseif (preg_match_all("/^(\\*+)(.$token)? *(.*?) *$/m",$text,$match)) { $this->args[$id] = $args; $this->info[$id] = array(); $nest = array(); $ld = ; $row = -1; foreach ($match[1] as $i => $indent) { if ($sub = $match[2][$i]) $sub == "O$token" ? $nest[] = substr($ld,0,-1) : array_pop($nest); elseif ($item = $match[3][$i]) { $this->info[$id][++$row] = strlen($indent.join(,$nest))-1; $tree .= "<TreeViewRowStart>$id,$row</TreeViewRowStart>$item<TreeViewRowEnd/>\n"; } $ld = $indent; }

$tree = "



} return $tree; }

# Convert each row into HTML function RowStart($text,$argv,&$parser) { global $wgTreeViewImages; list($id,$row) = split(',',$text);

$args = $this->args[$id]; $info = $this->info[$id]; $width = $this->width; $depth = $info[$row]; $next = isset($info[$row+1])  ? $info[$row+1] : 0; $plus = isset($args['plus'])  ? $args['plus']  : $wgTreeViewImages['plus']; $minus = isset($args['minus'])  ? $args['minus']  : $wgTreeViewImages['minus']; $opened = isset($args['opened'])  ? $args['opened']  : $wgTreeViewImages['opened']; $closed = isset($args['closed'])  ? $args['closed']  : $wgTreeViewImages['closed']; $spacer = isset($args['spacer'])  ? $args['spacer']  : $wgTreeViewImages['spacer']; $doc = isset($args['doc'])  ? $args['doc']  : $wgTreeViewImages['doc']; $default = isset($args['openlevels']) ? $args['openlevels'] : 0;

$show = $depth > $default ? ' style="display:none"' : ; if ($depth >= $default) { $open = $plus; $icon = $closed; } else { $open = $minus; $icon = $opened; } if ($depth >= $next) { $open = "<img src='$spacer' width='$width'/>"; $icon = $doc; } else $open = "<a href='javascript:toggleTreeviewItem(\"$id\",$row)'><img id='tvi$id$row' src='$open'/></a>";

return "<tr$show class='tree-row' depth='$depth' id='tvr$id$row'>"

. "<img src='$spacer' width='".($depth*$width)."' height='1'/>$open"

. " <img id='tvf$id$row' src='$icon'/> "; }

function RowEnd($text,$argv,&$parser) {

return "\n"; } # Add the javascript to the output object if not added yet and there is at least one tree function addJS() { global $wgOut,$wgTreeViewImages,$wgJS,$wgJsMimeType; if (isset($wgJS['TreeView'])) return; $wgJS['TreeView'] = true; $plus = $wgTreeViewImages['plus']; $minus = $wgTreeViewImages['minus']; $opened = $wgTreeViewImages['opened']; $closed = $wgTreeViewImages['closed']; $spacer = $wgTreeViewImages['spacer']; $doc = $wgTreeViewImages['doc']; $wgOut->addScript('<script type="'.$wgJsMimeType.'"> function toggleTreeviewItem(id,row) { var plus = "'.$plus.'"; var minus = "'.$minus.'"; var opened = "'.$opened.'"; var closed = "'.$closed.'"; var doc = "'.$doc.'"; var item = document.getElementById("tvr"+id+row); var next = document.getElementById("tvr"+id+(row+1)); var depth = 0+item.getAttribute("depth"); var close = next.style.display != "none"; var img = document.getElementById("tvi"+id+row); var fld = document.getElementById("tvf"+id+row); fld.setAttribute("src",close ? closed : opened); img.setAttribute("src",close ? plus : minus); while ((item = document.getElementById("tvr"+id+(++row))) && (0+item.getAttribute("depth") > depth)) { if (close) item.style.display = "none"; else if (depth == item.getAttribute("depth")-1) { item.style.display = ""; if (img = document.getElementById("tvi"+id+row)) img.setAttribute("src",plus); if (fld = document.getElementById("tvf"+id+row)) if (fld.getAttribute("src") == opened) fld.setAttribute("src",closed); } } }</script>'); } }

  1. Called from $wgExtensionFunctions array when initialising extensions

function wfSetupTreeView() { global $wgTreeView,$wgTreeViewMagic,$wgVersion; $wgTreeView = new TreeView($wgTreeViewMagic); $wgTreeView->addJS(); # Make code unconditional for now due to parser caching }

  1. Needed in MediaWiki >1.8.0 for magic word hooks to work properly

function wfTreeViewLanguageGetMagic(&$magicWords,$langCode = 0) { global $wgTreeViewMagic; $magicWords[$wgTreeViewMagic] = array(0,$wgTreeViewMagic); return true; } ?></php>