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Revision as of 22:33, 18 January 2011 by Iamalive (talk | contribs)

Integration of Seaside with OpenCobalt

Some questions/thoughts that came to mind that I would like to clarify:


3D comment moved to Talk:OpenCobalt

seaside<-->browser bridge

As I understand it, seaside, in its current implementation, is the browser and repository. In other words it is a peer in the peer to peer network and contributes to the dht storage as well as the virtual routing system. I can see how it can also become an http server, acting as a bridge between the peer to peer network and traditional browser clients. However browser users, since they are not using the seaside client, will only be able to consume and contribute content, but will not be contributing storage or routing. What sort of incentives will there be to run the peer to peer client? Perhaps the capabilities offered by the bridge will be limited?

Notes 19.01.11

1. Standardising

Separate functionality of viewer from the viewed data structure. Spilt into a standard ontology for the data, with 3d specific aspects being in a cobalt sub-layer (explain). All manipulation of data is done via an API, so that any user can do all things (non) cobalt user can do. The viewer (3D) which is separated out, should also have an API which allows 3D snapshots/video of views to be requested.
