XML Socket.pl

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Revision as of 09:09, 24 March 2006 by Nad (talk | contribs) (Forgot to wikify this compliment to XML Socket.as)
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  1. !/usr/bin/perl -w

use IO::Socket; use IO::Select; use Cwd; use strict;

  1. Main Functions

sub sendMessage; sub processMessage; sub processOutgoingEvents; sub parent; sub leaf; sub guid; sub logAdd;

  1. Determine if running on linux from leading slash in $cwd

our $cwd = cwd; $cwd =~ s/\//\\/g unless $cwd =~ /^\//; $cwd =~ s/[\\\/]$//g;

  1. The port that this event listens for incoming messages on
  2. our $thisPort = node '/private/this-port';

our $thisPort = 2012;

  1. We don't know thisPeer until our IP is known, but that is only known (currently) from incoming
  2. - defined on reception of incoming message which includes this IP in the 'to' key
  3. - added in 'from' key of outgoing message
  4. - format: peer-IP:Port or interface-Guid

our $thisPeer = undef;

  1. Stores actual current potentialPeers (as used by IO:Select)
  2. - indexed by fileno(handle) called $stream
  3. - activePeers are a hash because it stores many local peer properties

our %activePeers; our $activePeersChanged = 0;

  1. All activePeers found by all so far
  2. - the principle is propagate what we know works, don't propagate what we know fails
  3. - potentialPeers is a list because it only knows basic connection info

our @potentialPeers = ();

  1. Next peer after us in potentialPeerList
  2. - another reason potenialPeerList is best as a list not a hash
  3. - Currently, all potentialPeers form a ring of communication

our $nextPeer = undef;

  1. A unique guid is sent with our requestAccess so we don't talk to ourselves
  2. - we can use this to discover our own IP as we discover our IP on first incoming request

our $thisGuid = guid;

  1. our $logPattern = node('/private/log-pattern');

our $logPattern = '.*';

  1. Initialise server on listening $thisPort

our $server = new IO::Socket::INET Listen=>1, LocalPort=>$thisPort, Proto=>'tcp'; our $select = new IO::Select $server; logAdd "================================================================================";

  1. Attempt to send connection message to each potentialPeer
  2. - we preceed them with "peer-" so they can be valid XML tags
  3. - version info is sent on new connection
  4. sendMessage "peer-$_" for split /,/, node '/private/potential-peers';

sleep(5); sendMessage "peer-$_" for split /,/, ',,,';

  1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #

while (1) {

# Handle output potentialPeers? # - this may be needed if outgoing msg is larger than recipients' input-buffer # for $handle ($select->can_write) {syswrite($fh, $obuffer);}

# Handle input potentialPeers for my $handle ($select->can_read) { my $stream = fileno $handle; if ($handle == $server) { # NEW: handle is the server, set up a new peer # - but it can't be identified until its msg processed my $newhandle = $server->accept; $stream = fileno $newhandle; $select->add($newhandle); $activePeers{$stream}{'buffer'} = ; $activePeers{$stream}{'handle'} = $newhandle; logAdd "New connection: Stream$stream", 'main/new'; } elsif (sysread $handle, my $input, 10000) { # DATA: handle is an existing stream with data to read (NOTE: we should disconnect after vertain size limit) # - Process (and remove) all complete (null-terminated) messages from this potentialPeers buffer $activePeers{$stream}{'buffer'} .= $input; if ($activePeers{$stream}{'buffer'} =~ s/^(.*\x00)//s) {processMessage $_, $handle for split /\x00/, $1} } else { # DEL: handle is an existing stream with no more data to read my $peer; if (defined $activePeers{$stream}{'interface'}) { # If its an interface disconnecting, create a removal event $peer = $activePeers{$stream}{'interface'}; $events{&guid} = "now,interfaces.deleteInterface,$peer"; } else {$peer = $activePeers{$stream}{'peer'}} # Remove from IO:Select, activePeers and PotentialPeers $select->remove($handle); delete $activePeers{$stream}; $activePeersChanged = 1; @potentialPeers = grep {(index $_, $peer) < 0} @potentialPeers; $handle->close; logAdd "$peer disconnected.", 'main/del'; } }

# Send current events (and changes to activePeers) to potentialPeers updatePotentialPeers if $activePeersChanged; logAdd 'activePeersChanged', 'main' if $activePeersChanged; processOutgoingEvents;

# Periodically write to cache.xml #XMLout($publicSpace, outputfile=>$cacheFile, keyattr=>[], xmldecl=>1, rootname=>'cache', noattr=>1);


  1. END
  2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #
  1. Encode and send message to a peer by IP:port
  2. - all message content is events (nodal commands)
  3. - if there recipient is not an activePeer, then a new connection is attempted
  4. - version info is sent with new connections incase our data is out-of-date
  5. - all our activePeers are sent with every message
  6. - format is md5(24chr),subject&content(mime64)\x00

sub sendMessage { my $peer = shift; my $content = shift; my $handle; logAdd "sendMessage($peer)", 'send'; $content = unless defined $content; # Add peer info to outgoing message my $subject = "to=$peer&port=$thisPort&add=peer&guid=$thisGuid"; $subject .= "&from=$thisPeer" if defined $thisPeer; # Add all our active-peers' names to outgoing message (not interfaces) my $peers = join ',', getActivePeers; $subject .= "&peers=$peers" if $peers; logAdd " $_", 'send' for split /&/, $subject; # Get handle from peer name (this interface/peer thing is messy!) for (keys %activePeers) { my $p = exists $activePeers{$_}{'peer'} ? $activePeers{$_}{'peer'} : $activePeers{$_}{'interface'}; $handle = $activePeers{$_}{'handle'} if $p eq $peer; } # If no handle found, try establishing a new stream unless (defined $handle) { $peer =~ /([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+:[0-9]+$)/; # get rid of "peer-" bit $handle = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>$1, Proto=>'tcp'); return logAdd " Couldn't establish connection to $peer!", 'send' unless defined $handle; # Connected to new peer, add to local activePeers my $stream = fileno $handle; $activePeers{$stream}{'buffer'} = ; $activePeers{$stream}{'handle'} = $handle; $activePeers{$stream}{'peer'} = $peer; $activePeersChanged = 1; $select->add($handle); logAdd " Stream$stream is connection to $peer", 'send'; } # Send message print $handle "$subject|$content\0"; }

  1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #
  1. Decode and execute received message
  2. - executes received events (nodal commands)
  3. - replies with updates if local is more recent
  4. - Discovers own IP from incoming 'to' field if still unknown
  5. - Disconnects stream if it is us
  6. - Add sender to our activePeers
  7. - Add senders' activePeers to our potentialPeers

sub processMessage { my $data = shift; my $handle = shift; my $stream = fileno $handle; my %msg; my $peer; logAdd 'processMessage()', 'main'; # Decode message (my $subject, $msg{'events'}) = split /[|]/, $data; $msg{$1} = /(.+)=(.*)/ ? $2 : /(.+)/ for split /&/, $subject; logAdd " $_", 'recv' for split /&/, $subject; # Set self IP incase not known yet $thisPeer = $msg{'to'} unless defined $thisPeer; # Identify and add sender if 'add' field found if (exists $msg{'add'}) { my $add = $msg{'add'}; if ($add eq 'interface') { # Sender is an interface, initiate an addInterface event for interfaces $peer = "interface$thisPeer-".$msg{'guid'}; $peer =~ s/peer//; $events{&guid} = "now,interfaces.addInterface,$peer"; } else { # Sender is a peer my ($iport, $iaddr) = sockaddr_in getpeername $handle; $peer = 'peer-'.inet_ntoa($iaddr).':'.$msg{'port'}; } # If peer is self, disconnect and exit (before adding as activePeer) if ($msg{'guid'} eq $thisGuid) { logAdd " Stream$stream identified as us, disconnecting...", 'recv'; $select->remove($handle); delete $activePeers{$stream}; return $handle->close; } # Add sender to our activePeers... unless (exists $activePeers{$stream}{$add}) { logAdd " Stream$stream identified as $peer ($add)", 'recv'; $activePeers{$stream}{$add} = $peer; if ($add eq 'peer') { $activePeersChanged = 1; # ...and senders' activePeers to our potentialPeers updatePotentialPeers $msg{'peers'} if exists $msg{'peers'}; } } } # Update event queue with any new events (content) received (discarded if already seen) for (split /&/, $msg{'events'}) { /(.+)=(.*)$/; unless (exists $events{$1}) { $events{$1} = $2; #logAdd "new event received:$1 = $2", 'recv'; } } # Interface logging logAdd $msg{'log'}, 'SWF-'.uc(substr($activePeers{$stream}{'interface'}, -6)) if exists $msg{'log'}; # Interface requests peer connection sendMessage "peer-".$msg{'connect'} if exists $msg{'connect'}; }

  1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #

sub processOutgoingEvents { my @msg = (); my $qs; # Build a query-string of the queued-events while (my ($k, $v) = each %events) { if ($v) { # adds to qs if not already processed (=0) push @msg, "$k=$v"; logAdd "sending event:$k = $v", 'main'; $events{$k} = 0; } } $qs = join '&', @msg; # If nextPeer defined, send events to next if (defined $nextPeer) { sendMessage $nextPeer, $qs if $activePeersChanged or $#msg >= 0; $activePeersChanged = 0; } # Also send queued changes directly to all local interfaces if ($#msg >= 0 ) { sendMessage $activePeers{$_}{'interface'}, $qs for grep exists $activePeers{$_}{'interface'}, keys %activePeers; } }

  1. Update potential peers from activePeers and sent comma-separated-list of peers
  2. - The list is sorted so that all peers can form a ring with their nextPeer's
  3. - called when $activePeers changed or new options arrive

sub updatePotentialPeers { my $addPeers = shift; my %peers = (); map $peers{$_} = 1, split /,/, $addPeers if defined $addPeers; $peers{$_} = 1 for @potentialPeers; $peers{$_} = 1 for getActivePeers; $peers{$thisPeer} = 1 if defined $thisPeer; @potentialPeers = map $_, sort grep /^peer/, keys %peers; logAdd " $_", 'UPP' for @potentialPeers; # update nextPeer (actually use previous cos can use -1 array index) return unless defined $thisPeer; my $this = undef; for (0..$#potentialPeers) {$this = $_ if $potentialPeers[$_] eq $thisPeer} $nextPeer = ($#potentialPeers>0 and defined $this) ? $potentialPeers[--$this] : undef; logAdd " Next:$nextPeer", 'UPP' if defined $nextPeer; }

sub getActivePeers { return map $activePeers{$_}{'peer'}, grep exists $activePeers{$_}{'peer'}, keys %activePeers; }

  1. Generate a guid

sub guid { return 'p'.(rand()+time); }

  1. Add an item to the output log (and print if debugging)

sub logAdd { my $entry = shift; my $where = shift; $where = unless defined $where; return unless $where =~ /$logPattern/; $where = " $where" while length $where < 10; print localtime()." : $where : $entry\n"; }