
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 11:38, 13 August 2011 by Nad (talk | contribs)
Glossary.svg This page describes a concept which is part of our glossary

In the OrganicDesign context alignment is a process ensuring that all members of a Platform are in agreement with the core values and are actively working towards the common vision. This process can apply to team members, clients, associates or anyone else related to the group.

Alignment ensures that the members can work in harmony together and that the Platform as a whole can work in harmony with other Platforms to form the Platform network. It is achieved by the members formalising the trust-relationships they have as a trust group into contracts allowing them to work together to form a stable foundation of assurance on top of which more complex and large scale systems can be built.

The core aspects of alignment

  • Agreement with all aspects of the common vision
  • Actively helping to make the vision clearer and more widely accessible
  • Actively helping to make the vision more complete in its description of the needs common to all
  • Actively helping to raise awareness of the one harmony and the way of unification
  • Apply the way in their own lives and families to achieve their own goals in harmony with the common vision

Specific to OrganicDesign

When it comes to team members, there are some major aspects of the project which require strong alignment:

  • Using the Platform trust structure for ensuring funds coming into the project are allocated in accord with the OrganicDesign charter and OrganicDesign manifesto
  • Having a vision of building Land-based platforms
  • Collaborating together on the Platform system
  • Collaborating together on the software interface and use-cases
  • Building the global platform network
  • Attracting funds into the project to achieve these aims

See also