From Organic Design wiki
My first computer was a $200 VZ-200 which I got in about 1983. It had 8KBytes of RAM, a ROM based operating system and a Z80 CPU running at 1MHz. Its video resolution was 128x64 pixels with four colours.
A couple of years later I upgraded to a VZ-300 for about $300. This one had 16K of RAM and ran at 3.54MHz!
Next in about 1987 I got a BBC master which was a 65C102 CPU (16 bit 6502 series) running at 4.77MHz, it was over $1000 and had a graphics resolution of 160x256 with 16 colours, or 640x256 with two colours.
Then in 1989 my parents got me a serious computer for almost $3000! the Acorn Archimedes A3000 - this computer had serious grunt! a RISC chip running at 8MHz - equivalent to a 40MHz 386 chip.